"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!WE'RE UNSTOPPABLE!!!"I shouted while laughing as I then heard a familiar roar

I turned around and I'm begging myself to have mercy on myself as it appeared yet again

"How many of that guy are there?"I asked the doon slayer who ran towards him as he blocked a chainsaw attack from him as the monster then punched him away with his gun

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"How many of that guy are there?"I asked the doon slayer who ran towards him as he blocked a chainsaw attack from him as the monster then punched him away with his gun

Then the hordes started to focus more on him as a giant monster then attacked me and I barely dodged with my life as I rolled around on the ground and saw that it was about to shoot me

Then the hordes started to focus more on him as a giant monster then attacked me and I barely dodged with my life as I rolled around on the ground and saw that it was about to shoot me

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I looked at the monsters that wanted nothing more than to tear the doom slayer down  and back at the monster that was about to shoot me with it's giant gun hand

No,I can't let this happen

I won't let someone else die because of me!!!

"NOOOO!!!!!!!"I shouted as I then lost consciousness

++++++++++++++3rd PoV+++++++++++++

As Y/n screamed at the top of his lungs,it looked like another voice was shouting with him,almost like a monster

Then a giant purple shockwave covered the entire arena as all the monsters started to turn to dust,and conveniently so did all the locks to the door,he then collapsed on his knees as the collar broke finally releasing him

But the doom slayer knew there were more coming

So he quickly grabbed Y/n and put him over his shoulder as he hurried over to his weapons

"STOP THEM!!!STOP THEM AT ALL COST!!!"shouted khorne

Then the monsters that were in the stands all started to jump down to catch them but by the time they arrived there

They saw the doom slayer facing them with his BFG 9000 as he shot it at them killing an uncountable number of them as he started to run

However khorne who grew to a size much bigger,reaching the sky

"YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY!!"he shouted as he was about to catch them with his fist

But the doom slayer quickly grabbed his reaper and started to shoot giant laser beams at the hand of khorne as he kept running and fortunately for them Y/n started to wake up

"Huh?what happened?"he asked

He then noticed the doom slayer running

"WOAH!!WHAT HAPPENED?!"he shouted as the doomslayer stopped as they had reached a cliff

Y/n dropped to his feet as he looked at the endless army of monsters approaching them

"What do we do?!"shouted Y/n as he looked at the doom slayer who did only one thing

"Good plans never change right?"asked Y/n as they waited for the armies of monsters

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"Good plans never change right?"asked Y/n as they waited for the armies of monsters

++++imperium of chaos 1 week later++++

after a week of not hearing from Y/n and the doom slayer,the marauder had enough and ordered that they opened the portal to the warp so that he can look for them

"It has been three weeks already,worst case possible is that they have been captured by khorne"

But as soon as they opened,a silhouette started to emerge from it which didn't look normal until out of it stepped the doom slayer holding his shotgun with Y/n with his eyes still closed on his shoulder

"Hey guys!!you won't believe what happened to us!but first I promised doomguy a match of video games"


Well I'm excited for the new chapter tomorrow

It'll focus more on our dear taihou so let's hope I don't get too tired and plus I have to write the epilogue of my first story as well so there's that

Also here's a picture of doomguy playing video games

Also here's a picture of doomguy playing video games

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