Chapter 3

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**WOW!!! It's been ages!!  I am finally back with a new update.   I am sorry but I hope you enjoy this new installment!  Almost 6K words!!  Please enjoy!!

   I am sorry but I hope you enjoy this new installment!  Almost 6K words!!  Please enjoy!!

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Jungkook didn't seem to notice Seokjin's indecision or failure to resolve the situation before it got out of hand.

Seokjin was thinking too hard. Too much. Seokjin felt something warm and wet touching his skin and the sensation moved up and down his body.

Jungkook. He was kissing his way up Seokjin's neck, getting closer to the sensitive spot behind his ear.  Jungkook's hands slipped under Seokjin's tee shirt and felt around his soft stomach, fingering tickling and grazing their way down dangerously close to Seokjin's crotch.

Jungkook blew heavily into Seokjin's ear, his tongue playing with the soft shell and his teeth nibbling at the fleshy earlobe.

Seokjin's gaze rolled to the back of his head. All sense flew out that window fast. Jungkook was getting into a heated, hard mess.

"Mmmm....Seokie like t-that...." Jungkook purred in Seokjin's ear. He bucked his hips into Seokjin's behind and Seokjin bit down hard on his lip to keep from making any noise.

This was ludicrious. This was crazy. This was Jungkook. His best friend.

Seokjin reached for Jungkook's hands, trying to remove them from his body but was having trouble convincing him to snap out of his drunken lustful haze.


 Though Seokjin had meant to utter his name more authoritatively, he instead uttered a long winded whine.

In an inoffensive and intimate tone Jungkook said back, squeezing the back of Seojin's neck and muttered "Seoookie..".  It made the younger shiver.

He slurped hard on the skin as his lips made a loud smacking sound as he sucked hard.

Jungkook was doing sinful things with his lips and hands and making Seokjin feel things he didn't want to feel.

It was silent except for their heaving breathing. Jungkook's lips sucking on his skin.

In an instant though, Seokjin was whirled around to face Jungkook. His eyes widened and his lips pursed in a livid smirk. His cheeks were a pinkish hue and he bore a lazy smile.

Jungkook pulled Seokjin between him and his body, and Seokjin had to restrain himself from whining at the electric feeling. Jungkook pressed so hard against Seokjin's belly that Seokjin nearly stumbled.

Jungkook leaned in to Seokjin's personal space, his lips barely a breath apart from his. Seokjin licked them, and Jungkook's nostrils flared. He licked his own lips.

Seokjin gulped.

They were so dark and intense when the older locked eyes with Seokjin again.

Kiss..." said Jungkook drunkenly.

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