"Hey Mira, do you need a ride?" Betty said, catching up to her. 

   "No, my car's fixed, at least for now. Besides, I have to go to his house and apologize for the whole killing thing," Mira said.

   "I swear, your life is like some smutty, satirical story on some fanfiction website."

   "Well, if that were true, which I highly doubt is the case, my author needs to get their shit together. Obviously, people are reading this for the smut, so what the hell is my author doing throwing a serial killer into all this? Like, know your target audience. I deserve better than this mess."

   "Maybe the author just wants some variety, you know? I mean, how many times can you really write about two people having sex without it getting repetitive? There are only so many positions, so many places to have sex. The storyline has to have something else to offer," Betty said. "Besides, be careful what you say. You don't want to get killed off, do you?"

   "I'm the main character, I can't be killed off."

   "You never know. After Game of Thrones, people aren't as opposed to just randomly killing main characters."

   "Whatever," Mira looked up at the sky. "Just write me a god damn sex scene! Give my readers what they want!" 

   "Well, let's hope that worked," Betty said. "Anyways, see you tomorrow... if you survive."

   Mira decided it would be best to head over to Hiram's once the sun had gone down. You know, once it was dark enough for the killer to start killing again. So, once her phone battery was nearing its end, she drove to Hiram's house through the dark woods where the reception was weak. 

   After parking her car about a block away so Veronica wouldn't see it near the house, Mira walked to Hiram's door and knocked. There was a football game that night, so she knew Veronica wasn't home. 

   "Mira?" Hiram pulled the door open. "What are you doing here?"

   "Surprise," she said. "I came here to apologize because you're too salty to accept my apology over the phone." Hiram took her by the arm and pulled her inside before shutting the door. "Relax, no one saw."

   "I don't care if anyone saw you," he said. "I'm glad you're here. I don't feel comfortable with you being home alone. Are your parents still out of town?"


   "Then you're going to stay here with me until they come back so I know you're safe."

   "Veronica would totally agree with you," Mira said.

   "I know she would."

   "Oooh," Mira smiled. "So, that's why there's a serial killer in my story." A serial killer meant living with Hiram, which meant more time alone with him, which meant more smut. 

   "What?" Hiram questioned, but she just shook her head. 

   "I'm sorry I thought you were the killer. Let me make it up to you."

   "You don't need to do that."

   "Hiram," she said, looking up at him as she got down onto her knees. "Let me make it up to you. Unless of course, you don't want me to."

   He looked down at her, his eyes darkening in need at the sight of her. "I want you to."

   Keeping their gaze locked, she slowly undid his belt and pants, making sure to drag out the process for as long as possible until she could see him become agitated with need. 

   "Mira," he said. 


   "Stop teasing," he took her hair and bunched it up into a ponytail. Carefully, she pulled his boxers down and slowly swept her tongue up his length, torturing him with anticipation. "Mira," he warned, but she just did it again, stroking him a few times. "Open your mouth," he instructed, finally having had enough. She complied, opening her mouth for him. "Good girl, now suck," he said before placing his length into her mouth.  

   Slowly, she sucked down the inches, earning a groan from him. And with each suck down his length, he gripped her hair tighter. 

   "Look at me," he said. She looked up at him, meeting his heavy eyes, sucking him. "Get up," he groaned, pulling himself out of her mouth. Wiping her mouth, she stood up only to have her back pushed up against the wall before having her underwear pulled down her legs from underneath her skirt. 

   Just like the night of the speakeasy, he lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. She gasped and dug her fingers into his back when he suddenly thrust into her, kissing her neck and gripping her thighs tightly. 

   "Hiram," she moaned, arching her neck back against the wall, biting down into her lip and taking his rough thrusts. 

   Her phone rang, her ringtone blaring loudly, but easily ignored despite the continuous calls. Too busy with their actions, it wasn't until after they'd finished that they found out the Black Hood was spotted leaving Mira's house, searching for her, but leaving empty-handed. 

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