Hidden motives

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Two solar cycles went by faster than Knockout could've ever imagined. It felt like he had only just talked to Breakdown about it when the second day dawned. Neither mech had explained anything to Wildbreak, they didn't have the spark to. The sparkling wouldn't understand. He was too young.

"Mama!" Wildbreak called, running after Knockout as the medic walked away with a few of his toys and some energon. "Mama, where we goin'?" He asked, tugging on Knockout's arm impatiently.

Knockout pursed his lip, trying to think of what to say. He couldn't tell Wildbreak the truth. "We're just going on a little trip, dear. Things are getting too crazy in the city." He cooed, bending down and scooping up the little one with one arm.

Breakdown gave him a slight look of confusion, but soon caught on and nodded. "Yeah, we're gonna go see some other parts of Cybertron. Doesn't that sound fun, bud?" Knockout passed Wildbreak to him so he could get a few other things.

"Yeah! I love explorin'!" Wildbreak giggled, standing on his sire's forearm and pressing his tiny hands against his broad chassis. "When we goin', daddy? I wanna go now!"

Breakdown forced a chuckle, pushing aside the worrying thoughts buzzing around his processor. "We're leavin' soon, buddy. Knock just has to get a few more things." He replied, lifting his head so he could see down the hallway. "You almost ready, sweetspark?"

"I'm coming!"

It didn't take long for Knockout to appear. He had been storing energon and such in his subspace just in case they needed it along the way. He also had a couple of Wildbreak's toys to keep him busy so he wouldn't fuss. Finally, after lots of stress, they were finally ready to leave.

But as they said goodbye to their home, a pit of dread soon settled in their tanks. This was going to be the last they ever saw of their home. What was going to happen next?


Both mechs grew increasingly nervous as they walked down the empty street. It was a very strange sight to see the streets completely barren like this. Usually it was bustling with all kinds of bots and such, but today, it was quiet.

Breakdown kept his arm wrapped protectively around Wildbreak, cradling him in the crook so that he would be shielded if anything bad happened. His optics darted this way and that, searching for any sign of a threat. He also made sure to keep an optic on Knockout, who was leading the way since he knew where to go.

Wildbreak had busied himself playing with little action figures, but was starting to get bored. When he got bored, he usually got fussy and started to squirm. "Daddy, I want doooowwwnn.." He whined, wiggling around in the small space between Breakdown's forearm and his chassis.

"Sorry, bud. I can't put you down right now." Breakdown mumbled, still nervously looking around without even glancing at his sparkling. "We're almost there."

Wildbreak whined even louder and kicked at Breakdown's arm with his pede. "I want down, daddy! I want dooowwwnnn!" He cried, his face contorting with anger and frustration.

"Wildbreak, be quiet." Breakdown warned, his tone firm. Wildbreak didn't usually have episodes like this, but of course he'd pick the best time to do them when he did have one.

"Want. Down!"

"Breakdown, keep him quiet!" Knockout huffed, turning around to shoot a slight glare at his sparkmate.

"I'm trying!" Breakdown retorted, eventually resorting to gently pressing Wildbreak against his chassis so he couldn't move and giving him his finger to suck on. When that worked, he let out a soft sigh of relief.

"My my... you've got a boisterous little one, don't you?"

Breakdown immediately looked up when he heard the voice, his optics locking on a thin seeker that just seemed to appear out of thin air in front of them. "Who are you?" He demanded, taking a slight step forwards so he was next to Knockout instead of behind him.

The seeker scoffed and flicked his wings proudly. "My name is Starscream and I am Megatron's second in command. I suppose you two have come to join the glorious Decepticons?" He asked, a sinister grin slowly creeping across his face. It sent shivers down Knockout's spine.

Knockout swallowed hard and nodded, trying to contain his fear. "Y-Yes. Megatron promised that my family and I would be granted protection if I became his medic."

"A medic?" Starscream inquired curiously, his grin only growing. He chuckled softly and folded his arms behind his back. "Alright. Since you've obviously agreed to that deal, I assume that you've also taken the oath." He said, flicking his wings once more as he spoke.

"What oath?" Knockout questioned, frowning a bit. Megatron hadn't mentioned taking an oath.

Starscream couldn't help but laugh. "He didn't tell you? Well, allow me to enlighten you..." He sneered, his scarlet red optics flicking up so that they were now looking behind the pair.

Breakdown went to say something when he felt a sharp pain in his neck and huge electric jolt. A choked cry of pain was all that escaped him before he toppled to the ground, completely unconscious. Wildbreak was knocked out of his arms upon impact.

"No!" Knockout screamed, staring at his partner with wide optics. He went to grab Wildbreak, but never reached him. His unconscious frame crashed to the ground a few seconds later, right in front of the little sparkling.

Starscream's grin faded once the deed was done, his gaze landing on the two Vehicons holding electric rods. "Take them to Shockwave, including the little... pest." He ordered, growling at the loud crying that was violating his audio receptors. If only he could silence the little brat, but then Megatron wouldn't be pleased with him. Surely this task alone would be enough to please the warlord, so he supervised the Vehicons to make sure nothing went wrong.

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