You're a medic?

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-A few days later-

Breakdown had somehow managed to get a pretty deep gash on his thigh while scuffling with his friends, who were wreckers. He was currently heading towards the Iacon medical center, the very place he dreaded the most.

Hospitals made him nervous, especially the needles that the medics used. Every time he had to set foot in that place, he always had some sort of anxiety attack.

Today wasn't any better, judging by the fact that there was already a bunch of bots in the waiting room and he wasn't considered an 'emergency'. He thought that was pretty stupid since he was literally bleeding on the floor, but he was too scared to say anything about it.

After about ten minutes, a nurse finally came out and told him to follow her to a room.

Breakdown pushed himself up and limped after the nurse, being careful not to put too much pressure on his injured leg. The wound burned like crazy and he wanted to stop every few seconds, but he knew he would get lost if he didn't keep up with the nurse.

The nurse led him into a room and told him to have a seat on the medberth. She also said that a medic would be with him shortly. He just sat there, drowning in his own worries when the nurse left him alone in the room. He worried so much that he didn't even think about his wound as much, which was probably good since he would forget about the pain.

He was startled by the door opening a few moments later and his gaze immediately flicked to the door. He nearly froze when he recognized the flashy red paint.

'The mech from the fountain! Knockout!'

"Hello Sir, my name is Knockout and today I will be your—" the red mech cut himself off once he noticed that it was Breakdown sitting there and not some random patient like he originally thought. He stared for a second before blinking and quickly looking away before Breakdown could notice his blush.

"K-Knockout? You're a medic?" Breakdown asked in disbelief, staring at Knockout for a moment.

Knockout nodded slightly, composing himself before looking back at Breakdown. He drew in a deep breath and calmed his pounding spark. "Breakdown! How nice to see you again! Yes, I work as a medic here." He replied, walking over to the counter to fetch the datapad that was laying there.

"Oh, I didn't know that." Breakdown chuckled a bit nervously, rubbing the back of his helm.

Knockout chuckled as well, turning to face Breakdown. "So, it appears you have a nasty gash on your thigh! Ouch, that must hurt." He said, trying to get Breakdown to relax.

"Y-Yeah... it does.." Breakdown mumbled, pursing his dermas when Knockout came closer and peered at the wound. He shivered a bit and blushed when Knockout ran his fingertips over his thigh while examining the gash, quickly composing himself before the medic noticed.

Just his luck! The mech he was slowly falling for just had to be a medic!

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