The big question

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-Many months later-

Knockout and Breakdown had been dating for almost a year and a half now, and Breakdown was wanting to ask a very special question. However, this was easier said than done.

He had been planning a way to do it over a month or so, but he was just so nervous that he would screw it up somehow. His idea was that he would leave clues around their apartment that would act as a scavenger hunt for Knockout while he waited at the end destination. He was absolutely praying to Primus that this would work.


"Breakdown! I'm home!" Knockout called as he opened the door of their apartment, stepping into the room and looking around. He didn't see his partner anywhere, which confused him somewhat since Breakdown always came to greet him after a long day of work.

When he went to set the keys down, he spotted a note sitting on the table. He immediately feared the worst, though he knew he was just overreacting. He set his stuff down and hesitantly picked up the note, unfolding it and reading it to himself.

There are clues hidden around the apartment. The first clue is in the berthroom. Follow the clues until you find me.

Good luck!


Knockout raised an optic ridge in amusement, wondering what this could be about. He shrugged and headed towards the berthroom, where the note had said the first clue was.

He opened the door to the berthroom, immediately spotting another note on the nightstand. He strode over to it and picked it up, unfolding it and reading it out loud. "What did I give you on our first date?" He knew the answer almost right away.

He went over to his side of the berth and opened the drawer of his nightstand, pulling out a small box that contained a buffer. He took off the lid and grinned when he saw the next note, carefully taking it out and putting the buffer back in the drawer. He unfolded it eagerly and read it aloud again. "What were we enjoying when we had our first kiss?" It took him a minute, but he soon got it.

He briskly walked into the living room and knelt down by the table, pulling over the bowl of energon sweets and digging out the next note. He was enjoying this greatly. "What was our one year anniversary gift? You're up to something, you sneaky little mech..." He chuckled, immediately standing up and walking around a corner and over to a table that had a picture of him and Breakdown propped up on it.

He carefully pulled the note out from where it was tucked into the edge of the frame and jumped slightly when a piece of energon candy fell out. He bent down to pick it up, examining it for a moment before reading the note. "This is the last clue, so enjoy this piece of candy..." he smiled a bit and unwrapped the candy, popping it into his mouth and savoring its sweet taste before continuing to read. "...Now, if you come to this place, you shall find me. Where did we first meet?"

Knockout paused, his mind rewinding thousands of memories to remember where they first met. His face lit up when he finally got it and he almost choked on the candy out of excitement. "The fountain!" He exclaimed, dropping the note and darting towards the door.


Meanwhile, Breakdown sat nervously on the bench and glanced around for any sign of Knockout. What if he didn't come? No, he knew Knockout would come. He just knew he would.

He tapped anxiously on his armor, ignoring the strange looks he got from passing bots.

'Where are ya Knockout....'

Suddenly, a flash of red caught his attention and he sighed in relief as his partner came running up to him. He was caught by surprise when he was pulled into a tight hug by the red medic, but soon smiled brightly and hugged him back. "Hey, you found me!" He chuckled, sitting back when Knockout pulled away.

"Guess so! I loved the little scavenger hunt, it was so sweet!" Knockout grinned, taking a seat beside Breakdown and wrapping an arm around the mech's bicep. "So, why did you lead me here?"

Breakdown blushed slightly and looked away for a moment, trying to contain his flustered attitude. He soon composed himself and turned back towards Knockout, taking a deep breath. "Knockout... as soon as I met you, I knew you were the one for me. You're funny, sweet, and a wonderful medic. I couldn't ask for anything better than that. You really opened my optics to things I had never even seen before and frankly, you've made my life more exciting. So.... I just have one question to ask you.."

Knockout was frozen in place, a deep blush on his face. "Okay..."

"Would you like to be my sparkmate?"

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