Introduction gone wrong

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-A few months later-

It had been a couple months since Breakdown first asked Knockout out on a date and now the two were growing closer each day. Since Breakdown's parents could honestly care less about what he was doing with his life, Knockout decided to introduce the navy blue mech to his parents instead.

Now, he was a bit wary of his carrier since they didn't have the best relationship, but he knew his sire would surely welcome Breakdown into the family with open arms. He was nervous that it would go terribly wrong, but Breakdown reassured him that everything would be fine.



"Wow! Your parents have a nice housing unit!" Breakdown exclaimed, studying the grand structure in awe.

"Thank you! They've always been lucky with money and such." Knockout replied as he walked, hooking his arm around Breakdown's. "Have you ever been to this part of Iacon?"

Breakdown shook his head, glancing down at Knockout. "Not really, no. Never came this far West unless there was something my carrier needed." He answered, slowing down when Knockout let go of his arm and gestured for him to follow him to the door.

"It really is beautiful down here, especially at night. You should come over more often." Knockout smiled softly, turning to knock on the door and anxiously waiting for a response.

There was pedesteps and then the door opened, revealing a slim femme with a strawberry red frame and gold-colored detailing. She gave Breakdown one look and scoffed, shifting her gaze to Knockout. "Who is that?" She asked him, raising an optic ridge.

Knockout frowned at her tone, but kept his expression neutral as he cleared his throat. "Mother, this is Breakdown. We've been dating for at least three months now." He said proudly, gesturing to Breakdown.

Breakdown offered Knockout's carrier a sincere smile and waved. "Hello, ma'am. Pleasure to meet you." He said, trying to hide how nervous he was at the moment.

Knockout's carrier just stared for a second before she started laughing out loud, catching Knockout by surprise. When she finally pulled herself together, she rolled her optics and looked at the duo. "Look, sweetie, I'm glad that you finally found your type but.... I didn't expect you to bring home... this!" She said, gesturing to all of Breakdown with her hand.

"What do you mean?" Knockout asked in an accusing tone, narrowing his optics. He crossed his arms across his chassis and kept his gaze hard on her.

"Honey, it looks like you went to the slums and picked out the poorest looking bot there. Look at him! He looks like he should be working in the mines, not dating my son!"

Knockout was completely taken aback at what his carrier just said. He glanced over his shoulder and cringed at the hurt look on Breakdown's face, swiftly returning his gaze to his carrier. "Fine. If that's what you think, then we'll just be on our way." He spat, taking Breakdown by the hand and tugging him away. "Come on, Breakdown."


Knockout led Breakdown to the end of the street where it ended in a slight drop off and sat down on the bench in a huff. He propped his head up with his arms and sighed heavily, staring at the two suns that were slowly sinking below the horizon.

Breakdown hesitated before taking a seat next to Knockout, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him close.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that...." Knockout mumbled, leaning against Breakdown and shaking his head. "I thought it would go better..."

"It's alright, Knocky... You tried your best and that's all that mattered. It would be even worse if I took you to go see my parents, they wouldn't even care....." Breakdown murmured, gently rubbing Knockout's back.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Knockout asked, looking up at Breakdown.

Breakdown shook his head. "No. Instead of just being chill with it, they just don't care enough to even acknowledge it. My carrier probably wouldn't even bat an optic in your direction if I tried to introduce you to her..."

Knockout nodded slightly, wrapping an arm around Breakdown's bicep. "Sometimes parents can be the worst..." he mumbled.

Breakdown sighed in agreement and brought Knockout closer, nuzzling his helm. "Yeah... But at least we have each other, right?" He asked, looking down at the red medic and smiling softly.

Knockout smiled and looked up at Breakdown, his scarlet red optics glowing softly against his frame. "Right." He answered, tilting his head up to give the navy blue mech a kiss on the cheek. 

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