Okay I doubt that I can build a lot of them... but what matters is the space I can use. 5000 wasn't enough.

I decided to make Heaven in the underground, so it won't be seen by the military or the other gifted people... my plan was pretty simple, make a base in the underground to protect people, and make a base on top of it, there will live the people that should protect the heaven. It's a good idea but it takes time to make and build it... but luckily I was rich and all the money that I have has so many zero behind, that one year wasn't enough to spend all of it... but I will! I will give my all to spend all this money!

I went to sleep after designing a sketch of how to make it, the next day I would go out to have a look at the city. The city that I remember was really scary, full of zombies and no one enjoyed walking outside. I will go have a trip to visit all the place I want. Since one year wasn't enough to enjoy my time, I wanted some of it to be in my heaven... cause It's 'my' heaven after all.

The next day I woke up and prepared my self wearing the clothes of the second son because I didn't have any and went out with my uncle's car since the city wasn't that near of my mansion. I learned how to drive since I had too, it will be a problem if they stop me so I used a car with darkened window.
And to make it less suspicious, I went out the car from the passenger seats.

"...So many people" there were a lot of poeple outside since it was Saturday, they weren't all walking with guns nor did they have a stiff face, they were talking happily and a lot of people were holding hands.

They look so happy, I never saw this type of scene in my life, I only remember the happy faces of my mom and dad.

I passed all day walking around the city trying those things I never did, I also went to the zoo and looked at the animals "This animals sure are cute" after the Apocalypse, also animals became zombies, after some time, also animals developed powers, but they tend to be aggressive and uncontrollable, we call theme Mad-A. There is also Mad-P that stands for Mad-Plants. Mad-H are those Humans, that because of the virus they become insane and destroy everything, they loose them selves caused by a shock or because of continued trauma, for example, one day I saw a woman which son's skull was opened by a zombie, that's when she snapped and became a Mad-H, she was shocked and lost control of her power. Of course that only happens for those who posses a gift.

I opened the book and asked "Damian, what if the animals I choose will turn into Mad-A?"

"They become Mad-A when they get near a peace of meteor"

Ah... that's why the military have a lot of Mad-A dogs, but they were obedient, no one knew how they did that.

"How can I train a Mad-A?"

"This information cost a high price"

I raised my eyebrow, like doing everything of this isn't already enough. "And what is it?"

"See this animals in the zoo?"

I looked at the Lions that were sleeping peacefully "Yeah, they are quite lovely, I never saw a penguin before, they are kinda funny." I said not getting what was this book was leading me.

"This Zoo must be part of your Heaven"

"Hey hey- don't be a stupid book now, I can't take a whole Zoo, and put it on my safe base and wasn't I the one who have to decide how many animals to save?" I went to sit in a bench and I looked just like a kid reading a book from the other's eyes.

"Taming Mad-A cost a high price I said, you're free to do whatever you want."

"Do I look like a fool to you and the gods? It's too much!"

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