Hit or miss

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The night was eternal and I got up the next morning like a zombie. Mark had already left for work so I had the place to myself, even though I knew I wouldn't stay home all day. 

I dragged clothes on and went to the bathroom to wash up. My eyes had purple bags under them and I looked paler than usual. My dark, short hair stuck out in all directions. I brushed my teeth and attemtped to fix my face and my hair to no success. I sighed in frustration before walking out the front door.

I wandered aimlessly down the streets and walked around town. I walked down my alley and sat on the crate than I had deemed my own. 

I sat there, staring into space for an immasurable amount of time when I heard footsteps shuffling towards me. I glanced up and saw a man in ragged clothes coming towards me. I stood up and put my hands on my hips.

"Marcy," he said. His voice was hushed and his dark eyes darted everywhere, his dark skin was beaded slightly in sweat.

"Tyson," I said as a way of greeting. He was my age and living on the streets. We were friends, kind of. We had a deal. 

"What'll it be today?" he asked, pulling out small bags of various drugs. 

"One line," I said, eyeing his bag of white powder. 

"Twenty," he murmured, looking down at me. I pulled a twenty dollar note from my bra and handed it to him. "Now or later?"

"Now," I said, I deperately needed a hit. 

He pulled up an old metal table from the side of the alley and carefully made me a line of cocaine. He made a second and he shrugged as I looked at him speculatively. He snorted his line and gestured for me to follow suit. I leaned over my line, inhaling sharply as the small particles jumped into me. My head spun and a smile tugged at my lips.

In moments I felt it. I felt alive. I smiled and looked over at Tyson who was also smiling. 

"Good stuff," I smiled at him. He smiled back proudly. 

I waved at him before walking out of the alley and wandering around the streets again. It was a thursday morning so the streets were fairly quiet. I jumped as a car tooted at me and I turned to see a familiar black Ford XR5.

"Dean!" I said, excitement flooding through me.

"Hey, Marcy," he grinned as he pulled up next to me. "Jump in."

I opened the door and jumped into the passenger seat and babbled excitedly as Dean drove around town. He looked at me every so often, smiling. 

"Listen, I don't have work today, will you have lunch with me?" he asked as he drove.

"Yep, sounds good, can we get Chinese? Oh! I love Chinese!" I babbled loudly. 

He nodded and laughed and he pulled up out the front of the Chinese restaraunt. 

"What do you - wow - your eyes," Dean said as he peered into my eyes.

"What?" I said, playfully pushing him.

"Your pupils are massive - are you okay?" he asked, furrowing his brow.

"Yeah, course," I assured him.

He frowned at me disbelievingly. 

"Okay, maybe I had a line," I said off-handedly.

Dean shook his head and turned back towards his car.

"Where are you going?" I smiled at him.

"Uh, I just need some time to think, you should probably go home," he said distantly.

"You're leaving me?"

"I didn't know you did this stuff," he muttered. "You were right, I don't know you."

"Your loss," I shouted at him while he got in his car. I laughed and walked off.


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