finding amethyst

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Pearl walk into the big doughnut to see if Amye was there. But she wasn't there. So pearl decided to one of teens behind the counter.
Pearl*clear throat* "umm excuse me but have you seen amethyst?"
Sadie"I think she said something about Funland I guess you can try there"
Pearl"thank you maddie"
Pearl walks away and goes out the door
Sadie yells"its sadie"
But pearl was already out the door walking toward Finland.
Pearl got to funland and saw no amythst.
*great* she thought
*hmm who can I ask if they saw her*
Pearl" Aww them" pearl saw the cool kids " she hangs out with them maybe they'll know where she is" she mutters to herself
Pearl walks up to them and asks"have any of you seen amethyst?"

Jenny" yeah I saw her at the restaurant 30 minutes ago"
Pearl"thank you jeannie"
Pearl walks away
Jenny"its jenny!"
But pearl didn't hear her
Buck"I don't think she heard you"
Jenny"yes I know" she said annoyed

5 minute skip Sponsored by rose's hair ( idk I'm just going off the top of my head)

Pearl walked in to fish stew pizza
And like the last two time she wasn't there. Pearl decided to again ask someone if they knew where she was.
Pearl"excuse me have you seen amethyst"
Kiki" about 15 minutes ago I did.
I think she said something about going to see Vidalia"
"Thank you kim"
Kiki"its kiki"
No use pearl was out the door before kiki finished
Pearl got to Vidalia's and asked, her" hey Vidalia have you seen amethyst "
Vidalia" yeah she left 5 minutes ago and she heading toward the beach"
"thank you"
Pearl heads towards the temple
Pearl walks in the door.
" there you are"
Amethyst was on the couch stuffing her face with chaaps
"what is it" she says with her mouth full
Pearl" we need to train"
Amyethst" no I'm good"
Pearl" Black will be there "
Amyethst blushed
"o-ok I-I'll go"
They got on the warp pad and warps to the arena.

A. N OK I know it's short but what should black's power or/and weapon be. Man It's hard to type this much on a small screen.

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