the proposal 1

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It had barley been a week since rose gave birth. Greg had been planning  to pop the question  for years. But had given up when it was first thought rose wouldn't survive. Greg had gone to empire city to a jewelry store  that was known. He did want to do it in beach city since it was a small town and word spread fast there.
Greg wanted it to be a surprise for rose.
Jewelry store.
Greg's at the display  case asking about a certain ring.
The ring' s diamond were clustered in to a shape of a star.
It meant it would represent both of them.
Greg asked the clerk
Greg"how much is this ring"
Store clerk"$6,000"
Greg sighs" ok and what is the size"
Clerk" 11"
Greg thought to him"ok it's rose's size and the shape is perfect for us."
Clerk"well?" Growing inpatient with greg"
Greg" huh. oh yeah. I'll take it"
Greg pulls out a credit card as the store clerk pulls out the ring. The Clerk  swipe Greg's card and hands Greg's card and a fancy gift bag. Greg walked out smiling.
Meanwhile garnet gets a vision. What she saw was Greg popping the question. She smiled. Rose saw this and asked
Rose"Garnet why are you smiling"
Garnet"I can't tell you, but you'll know soon"
Rose "ok then?" Really Confused

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