The proposal 2

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A.N: so I'm currently packing to move. I don't know when I can  post again.

It had been a week since Greg brought the ring. He had been planning a trip to empire city and since Garnet had came to him and conforted him about the ring, it was easy to ask the gems to watch the twins. As Greg packed the van for his and Rose's romantic weekend get away. Rose was saying bye to the twins
Rose" bye Steven" kisses Steven's cheek "bye Nora" kisses Nora's cheek
The twins babbles basically baby talk.
Rose had a look on her face.
Garnet seeing this said
" Hey they'll be okay. Future vision remember"
Rose" yeah true"
Greg comes over says good bye to the twins and tells rose that it's time to go. Rose goes out to the van
Greg when seeing that Rose is out of the house. He said to Garnet.
"Thank you"
Garnet"no problem"
Greg" uh will she say yes"
Garnet" would I offer to watch the twins if she'll say no"
Greg" uh"
Garnet" go a traffic jam on the highway will happen in half an hour"
Greg" thanks again" Greg runs out started the van and him and rose drove off.
Amethyst, Pearl and purple who were sitting on the couch watching them finally asked
Pearl" what the"
Purple" was all that"
Garnet" oh Greg bought a ring"
Pearl" do mean as in what male human do when they ask their mate to spend the rest of their life with them"
Garnet" yes"
Amethyst"I'm so confused"
Purple" you're not alone"
At the hotel many hours later Greg and rose check in and went to their room. Greg went to the bed and passed out. Rose cuddle Up with him and went to sleep as well.
The next morning greg got up and wrote a note telling rose to go to the restaurant on the lobby floor. Greg took a shower grab a suit and went to the hotel spa/ hair salon to get his hair trimmed and colored and maybe a shave...
Hair stylist" what would you like"
Greg "a Trim, color ipoints at hair) and a Trim and style points to beard"
Hair stylist" on it"
After an hour Greg's hair was no longer a dulling black but a jet black is hair was 2 inches shorter  his beard was shaved except for a little around his mouth like a goatee.
Greg paid the stylist and left for the nail salon. He had to look his best and his nails were dirty and uneven. ...
Three hours later after getting his nails done, getting a wax that took care of the unibrow that was forming, a facial to get any dead skin. Going to the restaurant in his suit to get things ready. Greg was cleaned and was sitting at a table with vase full of pink roses, a couple of candle, and a couple of cards saying reserved one with Greg's name the other with Rose's. Greg sat down and breathed in. Rose walk in the restaurant and looked around. The host asked
" May I help you with something"
Rose" yeah uh my boyfriend left a note telling me to meet him here."
Rose" Greg universe"
Host" ah yes this way miss quartz"
The host leads rose to the table. Rose was shocked at the sight of Greg.
Rose" G-greg y-you l-look younger"
Greg"well I got cleaned up for you"
Rose"you didn't have to do that for me"
Greg"oh but I wanted to"
Rose sits down they order dinner,  eat and the dessert
Greg got down on one knee
Rose " Greg what are you doing"
Greg" Rose I love you and I think we should take this relationship to the next level"
Greg  pulled out a small box from his pocket"Rose will you marry me"
Rose" yes I will"
Greg placed the ring on her finger. They left the restaurant after paying for the meal. They went to their room and slept for a few hours until the 8am check out. Greg payed the bill. He and rose got in the van and left for beach city. Many hours later they arrived at the house. We're Garnet was waiting on the beach.
Garnet" well?"
Greg" she said yes"
Garnet" congratulation"
Rose and greg"thank you"
They went in the house and greeted the twins and the others

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