due date 1

27 1 0

A.N Ok  before start. Anyone here have an amino account. Well here an amino for the purple diamond/ amethyst/  anything Steven universe.
The code doesn't expire.
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Ok let's begin

The two months had came and gone by fast.Greg and the gems finished the house and Greg was moved in. Greg had finished the nursery a week ago. Rose was due any day now. Amethyst and purple stayed by their mother figures side. Amethyst laid her head on rose's right knee and purple laid her head on rose's other  knee.
Amethyst and purple were  crying. Rose felt their tears on her ankles.
Rose"hey don't cry. Just think when these two" *rubs stomach* "learn their powers. You two can help train them"
Amethyst" really"
Purple" I haven't thought about it   like that but it sounds fun"

amethyst's missing pieceWhere stories live. Discover now