Chapter Four: The Triforce Tale

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Valerie and Link hide behind a hedge to keep out of the sight of the guard. The eleven year old girl watches carefully for the guard to turn the corner. Right when he does, she grabs Link's wrist and sprints with him to the other side of the bush. "Wow, that was close."

"I don't think we should be celebrating just yet." Link points over Valerie's shoulder and the girl looks down the path. Two fountains stand there, spraying water elegantly into the pools below it. Standing in front of the fountains are four guards talking with each other. "How are we going to get past? There's too many, and they're blocking the way!"

"Hmm..." Valerie looks around her and sees a decent sized stone by her foot. The material is light colored and doesn't weigh that much. "Must have fallen off a sculpture when they were carrying them into the garden. This'll distract them!"

As hard as she can, Valerie chucks the stone over the fountains and it smashes against the castle wall. All four guards turn around with confused looks, now alert with their spears bared at their side. Not needing Valerie to pull him anymore, Link runs right behind her and past the fountains. He almost keeps running, but Valerie holds out her arm, making him run into it and halting his footsteps. This guard walks around the shelter of an awning with leaves draping down a wooden plank.

"He's fast. Even if we try to go around him, he'd catch us red handed." Valerie says angrily. She doesn't want to give up just yet, but she knows it's way too risky to try and sneak past this guy.

"I have an idea. Follow me." Link uses his sword and stabs it into one of the wooden support beams, then uses it as a step to hoist himself onto the top of the awning. Valerie climbs up as well, allowing Link to help her onto the platform. Link leans down and grabs his sword, careful to not make any sound. Slowly and quietly, the two kids walk in a tightrope fashion across the wooden plank and above the alert guard. When they get to the other side, they jump back onto the grass.

Around the next corner is the biggest statue Link has ever seen. The person on top of the alter seems to be of a strong, muscular man with a crown on his head. He holds two identical swords. On his right and left are two soldiers, one with light armor and one with darker armor. Valerie notices Link staring at the statue and clarifies, "That's the king of Hyrule."

"What's with the soldiers?" Link notices the same triangle symbol on both the soldier's helmets, but the darker armored one's triangle is upside down.

"I think it connects... something? My parents told me once, but I probably wasn't paying attention. Maybe it's light versus dark?" Valerie does her best guess, but she thinks there's more to it than that.

Link thinks so as well, but they can't figure it out by just standing here. He gets back to the task at hand and looks at the bottom of the statue. Eight guards, yes, eight, walk around the statue and patrol the grounds around it. "How big is this garden?!"

"It's a straight shot across the statue to the other side, but there's no way to get across without being seen. Too many guards." Valerie sighs, taking out a necklace from under her shirt. Link didn't notice she was wearing a necklace. It's really pretty and shiny. The stone in the middle is yellow and shaped in a hexagon with six white stones circling around it at the sides. Gripping the necklace, Valerie turns to Link with a determined expression. "When the guards are distracted, run past the statue. The courtyard is close, it has to be."

"What? Valerie, wait!" Link realizes what Valerie is talking about too late. The girl jumps out from behind the wall and immediately catches the guards' attention.

"Hey, you, kid! Stop right there!" Two guards grab her arms, much to Valerie's protests. "What do you think you're doing here?"

"I got lost!" Valerie quickly comes up with the lamest excuse. She groans, knowing that's one of the most unbelievable things she's ever said.

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