Chapter Three: Out of the Forest and into the Field

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Sound comes into focus before sight does as Link hears the mumbling of his Kokiri friends all around him. Peeking his eyes open, Link sees Mido, Saria, Navi, and a bunch of his other friends crowding around him. He seems to be lying on a soft bed and his surroundings tell him that he was brought back to his house. "H-hi everyone."

The Kokiris all turn their attention to Link and their eyes hold relief. Saria actually has tears almost fall from her eyes. "Link! I knew you were going to be okay, I just knew it!"

Saria jumps on top of Link and squeezes him in a hug. Navi sighs and puts a hand on her chest to settle her heart. "I was so worried when you fainted! You've been out for hours, Link."

"What the heck happened, anyway?!" One of the Kokiri triplets ask, demanding to know the details.

Link looks around at all his friends, then notices Mido leaning on the doorway and refusing to look at him. Link hesitates, not really knowing how to put into words what happened. "The... the Great Deku Tree..."

The boy pauses and everyone can tell something bad happened. They saw the trees starting to die and the fairies hiding rather than flying around freely. Knowing he can't leave them in the dark, Link tells them everything. He leaves out the Spiritual Stone part, feeling for some reason that he should keep it a secret for now. When he's finished explaining, Mido quickly wipes his eyes. "It is all your fault! You know what? Get out of here!"

"Mido, settle down! We can figure this out." Saria glares softly at the angered kid. "Link was just doing what the Great Deku Tree said. We just need to take a minute to think-"

"You always were on his side! Link is an outcast, a freak that didn't get his fairy at the age of seven! Now he's the cause of the Great Deku Tree's Death, and you still defend him?! No, I won't have it!" Mido stomps his foot on the ground, his face turning red. "Link, as leader of the Kokiri, you're banished to the Lost Woods!"

"What?!" All of the Kokiri's gasp and turn toward Mido who is still seething with anger. The second of the triplets manage to get out of his shock enough to say, "B-but Mido, I don't think you understand-"

"My mind is made up! You're out of here by tonight, Link, and don't even try to come talk to me!" Mido marches out of the house and slides down the ladder most expertly before walking to his house and locking the door.

Everyone looks at Link with pity. Sophie, the blonde Kokiri with two pigtails, has a quivering voice as she watches Link sit up and adjust his shield to his back. "W-we can come and keep you company every day, Link! We will take turns and visit the Lost Woods."

"I'm not going to the Lost Woods." Link sighs but keeps a stern complexion. He was extremely hurt by Mido's accusations and banishing him out of his home.

Link's friends all have shocked expressions and the third triplet scratches his head. "What do you mean? Are you going to boycott and stay in your house?!"

"No. The Great Deku Tree gave me a mission to leave the forest." The Kokiris all start to protest, but Link quickly continues. "I know if a Kokiri leaves then they'll... die... but the Great Deku Tree was wise until the very end. He would not have told me to do this if I couldn't. Thank you guys, you're all amazing for standing up for me. But, now I have to go."

Link slowly exits his house with his fairy following him. All of his friends sadly wave or give a quick goodbye except for one. Saria follows Link into the tunnel that connects Kokiri Forest to Hyrule Field. "So, you really are leaving?"

Link turns around to face the green haired girl. The bridge below his feet sways just a bit at the motion. "You know I can't hide in the Lost Woods, ignoring the Great Deku Tree's words forever."

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