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Entry Re: Robert Janis

"Your car is waiting," said the man in the Hawaiian shirt.

"Thank you." Robert put on his overcoat and gazed out his office window at the browns and reds of the setting sun. "I want you to get out of the city tonight. Understand?"

"What about you?"

Robert looked down at a piece of paper on his desk. He had mapped out the escape route himself. He would go through old town until he could get on the abandoned skyway, and then it was home free to the outskirts. It was simple and had almost zero chance of failure.

He tossed the piece of paper on the ground. After all this, he was going to run away; he was going to let the people of this city eat each other. It didn't seem fair that he would be spared the carnage yet again while the city he helped build went up in flames.

All those people he had led astray. All the lives spent rotting in stasis. He was responsible. He was accountable.

Robert slid open the top drawer of his desk and pulled out a silver revolver. He put it inside his overcoat's inside pocket. He was the captain of the ship. He had let this happen.

"Don't worry about me," he said. "Just get out of town."

"What about you?

"I said don't worry about it." Robert shook his head and gave him a stern look. "I'm tired of this whole thing. I've done enough damage for one lifetime. This time I go down with the ship."

The man in the Hawaiian shirt turned and opened the door to the darkened parking garage outside. "It was an honor."

"Yes, yes, I know."

The man in the Hawaiian shirt laughed. "Remember to put the barrel to the back of your head."

Robert pulled the pistol grip out of his jacket. "This? This isn't for me." He tucked the pistol back in and pulled a small device from his pocket. "A sonic interrupter. They used them during the war to execute prisoners. Put it to someone's ear and their brain stops sending signals. Quick and painless."

"Where'd you get it?"

"Had one laying around just in case."

"Then what-"

"What is the gun for? One last loose end."

The man in the Hawaiian shirt nodded.

"You took care of the others?" Robert said.

"Yes, all forty-one took the pills. Your driver, Alan, is the last."


"What about the video?"

"Play it. At least now it's not a lie," Robert said.

Robert walked out the door and raised his hand as a farewell. "Take care of yourself."

"You too."

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