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The following snippet was taken from what I assume was a secret camera, during a conversation Robert had with one of his co-conspirators. From what I can tell, Robert had a habit of videotaping all interactions pertaining to his plan. How this particular clip made its way to the server is unknown to me, but I suspect he intended someone to find it. I've tried to identify the man in the Hawaiian shirt, but there is no record of his existence beyond these recordings. The recording is dated two days before the activation event.


Entry Re: Robert Janis

"I still don't understand why we don't do it ourselves," said the man in the Hawaiian shirt as he pushed on the car's accelerator.

Robert laid his arm over the rest on the car door. The torn scenery of old downtown flowed by outside the tinted window, rusty fences, and broken bits of barbed wire strewn across empty lots and crumbling structures. This was the birthplace of the system itself, but that was a long time ago. Now it was a broken down shell, home to rats and a few stray non-implant-fitted savages.

"Because it's not up to us," Robert said.

The man in the Hawaiian shirt pulled into a rundown parking garage. It was dark, and the sole source of light was the car's headlamps. "It's been almost a month and he still hasn't taken the bait."

"He'll come around."

"But why even mess with this guy?"

"Same reason you always wear those ridiculous shirts," Robert said. "Because it's what feels right."

The man in the Hawaiian shirt pulled the car into a parking space and clicked on a flashlight before turning off the headlights.

"I still don't know."

"Don't worry."

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