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Entry Re: Robert Janis

"She's smarter than I gave her credit for," the man in the Hawaiian shirt said.

"Don't underestimate her talents. I did, and look where it got me," Robert said.

"What should we do?"

"Not much we can do."

Robert pulled a book off the shelf nearby and gazed at its spine. A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Robert laughed and slid the book back in its place. He knew Rebecca would be taking this assignment personally, so there was little chance of their man making out of there.

"Send advanced warning. Hopefully this one is a bit more resourceful than the last few."

"Still have a good feeling?"

"My feelings are irrelevant. Either he'll be captured or he'll escape. In the end, the outcome is the same for me, feelings or no feelings."

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