Prologue Part 2

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Four months ago China had been experimenting, whatever your take on the word.

Focus on the medicine or focus on who he was getting around too, because in this case it was both. Always curious, the Asian country loved to find new ways to use herbs, new ways to mix them together, new outcomes. It was one of his hobbies and one of the things he enjoyed doing in his free time.

Around a decade back he had gotten a request for a medicine that would enable a man to get pregnant. At the time he had brushed it off, not wanting to dwell on other peoples strange kinks. But it had kept him up far into the night many times, just wondering if it was possible.

One day he finally gave in and rolled out of bed, determined to find a mixture that would make it possible for a man to have a child as if he was a woman.

He worked for years, even if it was only a side project he worked on when there was nothing else he had planned. Finally, after much, very embarrassing, trial and error, he was confident in his medicine. There was no longer anyone who wanted it though, so there wasn't much he could do with it.

But he was still proud of himself.

This was truly a hurdle he had never before seen himself jumping, but it had been an entertaining project even if stressful. But why put it to waste? Why not try it out himself? He had worked very hard after all and it would be a shame for such a medicine to go down the drain.

That was the start of how he had got himself into this position, struggling to fit armor over his very slightly enlarged stomach by himself in a tent. He still hadn't told anyone other than the wise woman in his village, who had at least given him the luxury of secrets.

It was apparent, he was pregnant, though the details were still unclear.

He knew that there was at least one child, even if the details of gender were yet to be revealed. He had no official names, since traditionally babies were named one-hundred days after their birth. Of course he had his ideas for these, things like "The Morning" and "Spring Flowers" in his native language. But that was only if the baby ended up being a girl, for any boys he still had no idea.

He had to be careful, that was for certain.

His child was just starting to have a human (or nation) like form and would start to be actually noticeable soon. He had to be careful to act normal and to hide the truth of his predicament from any peering eyes. He had to fight as if he was a regular soldier, but first he had to fit into the armor.

It wasn't like he was exceptionally larger than normal, and it wasn't like the armor was exceptionally tight. The leather lamellar abdomen section that was made out of small pieces was slightly tighter than it should have been but the rest of the armor still fit fine. He was ready, prepared for battle.

Stepping out of his tent, the Asian nation adjusted his helmet and put a hand on his stomach briefly, as if assuring the being within that he still cared. It didn't matter to him if the other parent didn't know yet and hopefully would never find out. That other nation didn't ever need to know that he had knocked up the brown haired country pretty well.

All China had to do was get through this battle, get through this war and go home. He couldn't die, or at least death didn't stop him like it did humans. The only thing he had to worry about were the people around him, should he make friends, and his hidden child, in case of injury. It sounded simple in his brain at least.

Of course, battle is never that simple, and wars never end that easily.

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