Chapter Six

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China silently lay in bed.

Alone... again.

The clicking of the shades that covered his window as the wind outside softly blew them into the wall was almost a clock with how it counted the slow moving time. He himself hadn't gotten much real sleep for a few weeks since the meetings. His human boss had not been happy with his outburst once he found out, stating that it might make them seem weak to the other countries. When China insisted that this specific outburst was not for a weak reason his boss had scoffed at him and sent him away.

But he had been right. The nations were probably thinking of ways to use his brief weakness against him. Even Sealand could probably find ways to exploit this for land or money via his people who still resided in the East Asian country.

Sealand was an interesting place and an even more interesting being in his own right. A child who had such a need to rule the world even if it seemed impossible in the beginning. He almost reminded him of himself.

Of course he was annoying, which was something China had hoped he wasn't as a child. But there was still something endearing about his hopes and how hard he tried, though maybe that was just because he was still a kid.

Oh gods, was that why he had recognized him in such a way at the meeting?

Rolling onto his side, China put his head in his hands. Willing the thought to go away even when it clearly wouldn't. Children were sort of his weakness and he hoped no one would ever figure that out since it was both personal and extremely exploitable. Chen... or was it going to be Chunhua? He couldn't really remember, and he tried his best not to let the memories penetrate his usually well guarded and blank thoughts.

He almost felt bile in his throat as he sat up, loudly cursing to himself and punching the mattress beside him. It creaked loudly as he shifted his weight to a kneeling position, gradually lowering himself down in a way he hoped would be calming to his revengeful memories.

Holding his head again he brought his upper body down until his cheeks were resting against his shaking knees. He couldn't think about the loss, especially when he was so alone in such a vulnerable state as he was now. Clenching his teeth he sucked in a bit of air before letting it out again in a short puff. A moment later he squeezed his head a bit harder with his hands, preparing to take another hopefully calming breath.

The shaky deep breath that filled his lungs next almost covered the loud cracking noise he heard from outside of his open window. Almost.

For a moment he was silent, frozen in that position without letting out the air from his body. Eyes now locked on the still moving blinds, searching for a shadow, anything that could indicate immediate danger. He hated his instinct based reaction to surprises, if he could get over the past that controlled that then maybe he could forget what controlled his emotional pain.

When no new noise followed the first he quietly sat up again, head turned to the window. His eyes narrowed as he scrunched up his nose, softly and involuntary sniffing for anything that seemed obviously out of place. When he seemed to get a whiff of a familiar smell, from where he didn't know, he silently stood, save for the creaking springs as he placed a foot on the floor next to his bed.

Almost not surprised by his calm approach at the situation he let his instincts take over as he pulled back the shade, peering into the darkness. It took a second to process why he didn't see the dark street and why there seemed to be a face looking back in at him before he realized that the reason he couldn't see the street was because there was a face looking in at him.

With an involuntary hiss he jumped back, narrowly avoiding falling onto his bed. Scrambling for something that could be used as a weapon he cursed himself for leaving the kitchen knives in the kitchen where they were supposed to be.

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