Chapter Twenty Six

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A/N TWO chapters with the bois in a ROW?!?!?!? Unheard of!! (I realized that China and Russia haven't been in this much recently xp, but sorry there's not much I can do about it except wait until I'm out of the chapters I had already planned.

Okay okay, serious time now. I do have some leginement warnings for this chapter, as a few chapters from now we are going to have our first (dreaded, from my perspective) smut chapter. I will not be writing it on Wattpad or, as the rules on these places are a little... confusing.

However, I will be writing it on Ao3, the version of which I will link in the comments/the story body depending on the site. This will be reiterated in the chapter where this will take place. It is a very very very important chapter from an emotional stand-point for the characters but it isn't that important plotwise, still I will summarize.

Warning for this chapter specifically: Flirty crap and a miniscule amount of past trauma references but, like, that's gonna happen in basically any chapter with China ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃ ᶠᵉʷ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳˢ ˡᵃᵗᵉʳ ᵒⁿ...

I'm really sorry this is late but I had to help take care of my grandma over holiday break and didn't get much time to write as a result. (Not to sound like an excuse, but because I feel bad and also I think it's important to mention.)

Finally, this chapter is where the 'omegaverse' logic sets in for the first time. It does that occasionally, to move the plot along, but I generally like to keep self-preservation and general logic at a least number two priority. This is going to be a slightly shorter chapter, so in those regards sorry if this doesn't make too much sense, carry on! A/N over.

They broke apart.

Russia felt his face reddening, had that actually just happened? He felt as though he shouldn't have participated in their kiss, even if Yao had been the one to initiate it. It just felt like something he shouldn't have done, especially after hearing what had happened in his poor friend's past.

'Friend?' What the hell type of wording was that?

Maybe he didn't know what word he should use at this point, but it surely wasn't just 'friend'. Not after the oddly action-packed last thirty minutes, not after the out of character urge to let the kiss be more, not after such a terrible awareness of the past had been bestowed upon him. Honestly it was just the wrong word to use no matter what context he put it in.

Attempting to steal a glance without getting caught, Russia immediately made eye contact with the other and his face subsequently felt even hotter. China smiled lopsidedly, and for a moment Russia wasn't sure if he was going to kiss him again or burst into tears.

Either way he was sure that he wouldn't blame him.

The white haired Russian leaned forward but, to the pleasant shock he felt at himself, it wasn't in a menacing way like how he normally moved. Instead it was a soft, kinder gesture. He pressed his forehead against the asian man's forehead and closed his eyes, he didn't have any better way to communicate. He couldn't use words, because he knew that he struggled with making such statements hold real meaning. Other than that, however, there weren't really any queues pointing him in the right conversational direction. It just felt right.

Apparently China felt the same about the gesture, because Russia heard a soft hum and it sounded almost... happy.

Happy wasn't a word that would jump to his mind while describing China, at least not recently. Not when all these new developments in the knowledge they had about his life kept cropping up, not when England's fucked up theory had been proved oh-so-depressingly-right. In this way it was a real, solid relief to see joy on the brunet's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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