Chapter 20

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Chapter 20..... Tristan

School changed when Em left. School was quieter and the students were lost without her. She thought she was invisible and unwanted. When really, she was popular and everyone wanted to be around her. It has been a few days since I last talked to her and I wonder how she is adjusting to her new school. It has also been weeks since Dad last talked to me. It is unlike him to do that. I try not to worry for him though.

"Hey, Tristan." Luke says.


"Did you do the homework from last night?"

"Some of it. I was confused so I gave up after number three."

"Don't tell, but I stopped after the first problem." I laughed at him and then he laughed with me. Geometry passed on, along with Spanish and History. I sit alone at lunch, I have ever since Em left. Except this time someone new was at the table. A person with a gray hoodie and red Chuck Taylor's. I sat down and I meet a pair of hazel eyes framed by thick, black glasses. The girl quickly looks back down at her book, Pride and Prejudice. I want to say something, but I feel it is already awkward for her. When the bell rings she springs up like a jack in the box, and sprints to her next class. I wonder why she is in such a rush.


When I pull in my driveway, I look over and see the girl in the hoodie in a swing. The house that used to say For Sale, now says Sold. She sees me staring and runs in her house. She is about as paranoid as an abused child, unless she is one. I walk in and Mom gives me a smile.

"How was your day?" she asks.

"Good. Who are the people next door?"

"They are the Rawland's. They have two kids, one is about the twin's age and the other is your age. I don't know if they are boys or girls, but I am about to go greet them if you want to tag along." she says.

"Sure." I am going to figure out who that girl is before I go insane. We walk over and my mom knocks the door gently. We are greeted by an older woman with a soft smile on her face.

"Hello, I am Annie Baker and this is my son, Tristan. We live next door and would like to welcome you to the neighborhood."

"Thank you! Hayden and Hilary come downstairs please!" she yells. There is a young boy with hazel eyes who looks up at me.

"Hey, I'm Hayden."

"Hey, I'm Tristan. I have two younger brothers about your age."

"Really! I wish I had a brother. Hilary isn't any fun."

"Don't say that about your sister." Hilary comes to the door and smiles.

"I'm sorry, but Hilary doesn't talk much." Mrs. Rawland says.

"Yeah, that's why she is boring." Hayden says. Hilary walks away and sits on the couch with a book in her hand. This is a different book and I can't quite make out the cover.

"Would you like to come to dinner later?" Mom asks.

"Sure! That sounds like fun! I'm Leanne by the way."

"Alright Leanne we will see you guys later. How does seven sound?"

"Sounds great! See you then!" We walk away and I can't help but wonder about Hilary. I go to my room and Skype Emmaleigh.

"Hey T!"

"Hey Em. How are you doing?"

"Eh, I'm breathing. If that means anything."

"That is kinda important."

"Anything new with you?"

"Well we have new neighbors."

"That's nice. I wish we had neighbors. It is just a long driveway to a mansion on the outskirts of New York City. Nothing major."

"Some people would kill to be where you are."

"I would do anything to be where you are right now."

"I miss you too, Em. More than words can say."

"Me too, I hate being here. It is boring and I didn't think school could get any worse. Also, I sit alone at lunch."

"You will make friends soon Em. I promise. I mean come on who wouldn't like you?"

"Thanks." I hear a loud screech in the background of Em's screen.

"My aunt says 'Lights out!'"

"But it's only like six thirty."

"Tell me about it. I will talk to you later."

"Alright, bye. I love you."

"I love you too, Tristan." I turn off my computer and head downstairs. The Rawland's are already downstairs. Hilary is on the couch reading To Kill a Mockingbird. I sit beside her and she looks up at me and quickly looks away. I want her to talk so I can try to be her friend. I find a piece of paper and write 'Hey' on it. I slide the pen and paper on the coffee table toward her and she glances down at it. She writes something down and passes it back to me. It reads 'Hi.'

"Kids! Dinner's ready!" When we are all settled, we learn the Rawland's are a military family also. They move constantly like us. After everyone is finished, Hilary and I help clean up. She looks at me and then writes more on the paper. It reads,"I can talk, but it takes a lot for me to talk. My boyfriend is deaf so I usually communicate using sign language. If I were you, I wouldn't want to be friends with a mute person." She frowns and walks back to the couch.

"You know I am not that kind of person. I don't judge people by how they are, I judge them by how they treat others. I try to be friends with everyone, my girlfriend told me last week that I was too nice." She smiles and looks for the pen and paper.

"She seems nice, do you two not sit with each other at lunch?" She wrote.

"No, she moved a few weeks ago to New York." I say.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a long distance relationship too." She gave me a slight smile.

"Alright, Hayden and Hilary, time to go home!" Leanne says. Hilary is the last to walk out and she turns to me and mouths "Bye."

"Bye, Hilary." Mom looks at me and smiles.

"Mom remember I have a girlfriend."

"I know, but she is warming up to you. Leanne says that she never warms up to anyone that fast."

"Why doesn't she talk?"

"I didn't want to ask. I felt it was a little rude and personal to ask." She walks to her room.

"Night!" I yell throughout the house. I hear a mixture of voices and I smile to myself. Life may be low right now, but I will always have my family to fall back on.

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