Chapter 19

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Chapter 19... Emmaleigh

I woke up to the pilots announcement over the intercom.

"Be prepared for landing, and thank you once again for choosing Hotline Airlines for your travel needs." Here it is. The time I meet my aunt that is practically a stranger to me. The plane drops to the ground, I grab my belongings, and head into to get my other suitcases. As soon as I walk in the airport waiting room, I see a sign that reads "Emmaleigh Eldridge". The sign is held by a guy who looks like a cab driver and I feel so awful.

"Hello, Ms. Eldridge. I'm Garner, your driver." He gives me a slight smile and I'm not pleased.

"Okay." I whisper. He grabs my bags and we walk out to the limo. I never expected for these people to have this much money. After driving for a few hours, we pull up into a fancy driveway that led to a huge house. The shudders were a beige color and the house was white. It was like seeing barbies dream house except it wasn't pink. Garner opens the door for me and as I step out, the front door opens. I see a little girl walk out in a bright pink dress. I wasn't sure how many children Aunt Martha had, but so far it seems like she only has a few.

"Hi! I'm Kyla." She gives me a slight wave. I wave back and Garner grabs my things. An elder lady walks out the door and grabs my things from Garner.

"I'm Alice and I will be here for anything you need." She said. I never knew they could be so lazy that they would have to get a maid. I followed her inside and the foyer is nice and next and there is a grand staircase with a beautiful wood finish. A young boy I assume is twelve or thirteen walks down the stairs.

"Welcome, my name is Bryson."

"Hi, I'm Emmaleigh."

"I know, mother and father are in the study. I will show you." I start to follow Bryson to the study. I never knew how proper any teenage boy could be. This whole house is as big as a mall. I might need a map so I won't get lost.

"Welcome Emmaleigh." Aunt Martha said.

"Thank you." I say.

"Was the trip okay?" Uncle Richard asked.


"Alice!" Aunt Martha yelled. Alice frantically runs in.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Show Emmaleigh to her room, also make sure she understands the rules and the schedule of the house."

"Yes ma'am." I follow Alice to a big room with creme walls and a vaulted ceiling. The furniture in this room would barely be able to fit in my old room. The entire house was flawless. I look over to the desk and see a laptop. Only one word comes to mind: Tristan.

"Now, the family eats at seven every morning, eats lunch at noon, and eats dinner at six. They go to church every Sunday and Wednesday. Homework must be done once you get home, your room must be kept up right at all times, and you have a curfew of eight o'clock. If you break any of these rules or don't follow the schedule, your internet access will be revoked. Any questions, Emmaleigh?" I shook my head and she left the room. I fall on the bed and finally let go of the breath I was holding. My house never had this many rules. Not I understand why Mom moved away from her sister. She must be really demanding and controlling. After I settle my thoughts I walk to the computer and turn it on. I log on to Skype and wait to see Tristan's username. I plug in my headphones so no one can hear our conversation. I press his name and hit call. I wait and wait for what feels like hours. When I see his face I smile really big.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey Em."

"I miss you so much T."

"I miss you too. How was the flight?"

"Not bad, but I wish you were with me."

"Me too, Em. Me too. How is your aunts house?" I sigh. How could I explain how bad it is?

"That bad huh?" He smirks.

"Pretty much. There are so many rules and I can't remember most of them. I wish I was home." I say quietly.

"You have no idea how much I want you here too."

"Emmaleigh! You are late for dinner!" Alice said from outside the door.

"I have to go T. Can I talk to you tomorrow?" I ask.

"Of coarse you can. I love you."

"I love you too." I smile and close our chat. I almost cry because I didn't want to see him go.

"Let's go Emmaleigh!" Alice yells.

"Okay." I walk down to the dining room and take a seat. I'm handed a plate with mashed potatoes, meat loaf, and green beans on it. I eat a little but but not much.

"Are you okay?" Kyla asks.

"Not really." I say.

"May I be excused?" I ask aunt Martha.

"You barely touched your food."

"I'm not really hungry."

"Just this once but don't leave next time until everyone is finished."

"Thank you." I decide to take a shower and get some rest. A walk into my bathroom and turn on the water. When I feel the hot water run down my back, I finally feel relaxed. This whole experience is just overwhelming. After I dry my hair I lay in my new bed and it's so uncomfortable. I feel like I'm not home and this is someone else's room. I see my phone light up and I see a text from Tristan.

I hope you sleep good, beautiful. Don't worry about anything. You will do great in New York. I promise ;)

It warms my heart to see that. I hold the locket he gave me and I fall asleep with him on my mind.

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