Chapter 15

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Chapter 15... Emmaleigh

Annie Baker was sitting in one of the chairs looking at me. I was startled and surprised that she, of all people, would visit me. Honestly, I expected for Tristan to visit me before she did.

"Hello Emmaleigh." Annie said.

"Hi." I said. I sat down in the chair next to her. There was an awkward silence that filled the room.

"I know you are probably mad at me, but I had to do what I had to do. I am the president of Protect the Children of the United States. If I don't tell about abuse and things of that nature, it would be like breaking a promise I made in my contract. If that makes any sense to you?" She said. I nodded my head in response.

"I heard your court hearing is Friday. I know it must be hard for you, but trust me you will get through it. I have to spend every waking moment worrying about my husband. When and if he can come home, if he's alive, if he's sick, if he's scared of what's around him, all of those things scare me every day. But when I look at Tristan, Jared, John, and Sarah, I know things are going to be okay." She smiles and a tear drops down her cheek.

"I'm sorry for what you go through. I would say I know your pain, but I might be lying. My mom died in a bank robbery over a year ago. She wasn't even a worker. We were going out as a family that night for our annual family night. I come home and she's not there." I feel tears coming on. "My dad wouldn't talk to me for a whole month. The first words he said to me were 'Happy Birthday'. They might only be two words to some people, but to me they were the most amazing words that have ever been through me ears. I was lost to be honest. I stopped talking to my group of friends and the only one I talk to now is Jane. When I met Tristan at Walmart, I felt like a light was shining down on him. Like my mom was showing me to be happy and myself again. And I found it, with you, your family, and Tristan. I love him. I really do and I know it's kind of fast but I've felt like I've know him forever." I smile and see Annie smiling too.

"I'm sorry for what you went through. And I know Tristan loves you back. I wanted to talk to you and see how you were doing. And again I'm sorry that I put you through this." She gets up and starts to walk away.

"Wait! Can you hang on for about five minutes please?" I ask politely.

"Sure." I grab a pen and finish my letter to Tristan.

"Here, it's for Tristan. And I forgive you. I know it's a part of your job and I understand." I stand up and give her a hug.

"You are a second mom to me and I'm thankful for you Annie." I say.

"Thank you for forgiving me. I just hope that Tristan can too." She says sadly.

"Trust me he will." I say. She walks out of the building and I walk back to my room. I take a deep breath and crash on my bed. I smile and I suddenly realize school is tomorrow. This will be a long week.


Friday came as fast as lightning. Tristan and I have been inseparable. We went out every night that week and they were the best dates I have ever experienced. They almost made me forget what was really happening with me, almost.

I walk in the court room and see Tristan and Annie sitting in the row behind me. I smile at both of them.

"Thank you for coming." I say.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world sweetheart." Tristan says. I smile at that. I hear the door open and turn to see my dad. I look at him and I don't know who I'm looking at. He is a complete stranger to me. He never gave me a glance. I started to cry and hyperventilating. Why is my life falling apart? I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Everything will be fine. I promise." Tristan whispers in my ear.

"I'm scared." I say.

"You will be fine. I'm here for you." He says. I take a deep breath and then the judge comes in. We rise and sit back down. The lawyers show the case and Annie walks up to give her side of the story.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?" The police officer asks.

"I do." Annie says. They ask her a series of questions and then I'm called up to the stand. My palms are sweating and my breathing becomes irregular. I walk up and put my hand on the bible. After they ask me the question they always ask, even though some people don't tell the truth.

"I do." I say.

"What happened last Friday night Mrs. Eldridge?" A lawyer asks.

"I went to school, I went on a date with my boyfriend and after he drops me off at my house, I walk inside to find my father with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. At the time he is completely intoxicated. You see that day was the day my mom was murdered a year prior. We then get into an argument and he hits me. That had never happened until that night." I stop talking because I had no idea what else to say.

"Who did you tell this to?" The lawyer asks me.

"I told my boyfriend and then he told his mom." I say.

"Okay thank you. No further questions." I stand up and nearly trip twice on the way back to my seat. My dad still doesn't look at me. I guess he hates me. I wouldn't blame him. The jury walk out to make their deliberation. This is it the moment that decides my fate. Tristan then comes and sits next to me.

"You did really good." He said.

"Then why do I feel awful?" I ask.

"It's just your conscience. You think this is wrong but in your heart you know it's okay." He says. I smile and grab his hand. I lay my head on his shoulder and wish I was anywhere but here.

After what seemed like centuries, the jury finally walks back in. My heart beats rapidly and I feel like I stop breathing. My ears suddenly stop working because of all the stress going on in my brain. There was only one word I could make out. It wasn't the word I wanted to hear.


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