Chapter 9

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Nine....... Emmaleigh

My dad's breath had the lingering smell of alcohol all over it. I walked inside and he slammed the door. I really hope Tristan didn't see that.

"Where were you?" he yells.

"I was with Tristan remember? you dropped me off and everything."

"Do you know what day it is?"

"I know exactly what day it is but I don't want to talk about it."

"You are awful. A disgusting child. Wendy would be ashamed." I start to cry.

"I know you lost mom but I lost her too!"

I was filled with so many emotions that they just started to pour out.

"Do you think you are the only one suffering Dad? Do you see me getting angry and lashing out at everyone?! You are so drunk you can't think straight." He is speechless.

"You sicken me." he starts to walk away.

"I sicken you? You have a problem Dad. You need to fix your drinking problem. Not only am I ashamed of this Mom would be too!" I suddenly regret those words. He hits me in the face below my eye. I fall and make a big thump on the ground. I hold my face and look up at him. He realizes what he did.

"Emmaleigh I-"

I run to my room and I lock the door. He tries to break my door down but soon gives up and goes away. I hear him swearing under his breath. I suddenly burst into tears. I remember that day one year ago perfectly. Like it was yesterday.


"I'm leaving Mom."

"Okay sweetie! Don't forget about our family dinner tonight."


I walk in to where my mom is on the couch.

"Let's take a picture!" she says excitedly.

"Sure." This was a daily thing for us.

"Kenneth come take a picture of me and Em." Mom says.

"Sure." he says. He takes the picture and we look at it.

"If it wasn't for my wrinkles Em we could be twins!" mom says.

"What are you talking about? You don't have any wrinkles!" we both laugh.

"I will pick you up after school." dad says.

"Okay dad bye!" I hug both of my parents and I head outside. Jane is standing on the front porch.

"Hey Mrs E!" she says.

"Hey Jane! Do you want to come to dinner with us tonight?" mom asks.

"Sure I would love to." Jane says.

"Hey Em I'm going to run by the bank today do you need anything?" mom asks me.

"No I don't, thank you."

I wave at my parents and Jane and I start walking to school.

"Mark said 'Hi' to me yesterday! I could barely say anything back." Jane says.

"Good job Jane soon you two will be on a more than one syllable friend level." I say in a sarcastic tone. Jane pushes me and we walk to school.


By lunch I was starving. I sat with Jane and a couple of our other friends.

"I'm serious!" Kady said.

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