Chapter 8

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Eight........ Tristan

When I dropped Em off I noticed her father through the window. He had a large bottle of vodka in his hand. He stared at me and took a drink. Em smiled all the way to the door. I backed up and started to leave when I saw her dad open the door. Her face turned from happiness to horror in just one split second. She slowly walked in the door and he slammed the door.

He was drunk. I drive home not knowing what to do. I go up to my room worrying about Emmaleigh. I decide to text Luke, maybe he knows what to do.

Hey I got a question.

Okay, ask.

I had dinner with Emmaleigh and I dropped her off

Where is the question?

Let me finish!


I saw her dad through the window and he was drinking, heavily. He looked pissed, what do I do?

What's today again?

The tenth, why?

I can't tell you

Why not?

Emmaleigh has to tell you

Okay I'll text her

That's odd. What is so important that only Em can tell me?

Hey Em.

It took a while but she replied.


How are you?

She then called me.


"Can you come over please?" she sounded like she was crying.

"Yeah I'll be right over."

"Wait, park your car a few blocks over and come through my window."


I run downstairs and find my mom on the couch. She gives me the evil glare. How in the world am I gonna get out of here.

"Where do you think you are going?" She asks.

"I have to go Mom." I try to be as bland as possible.


I give up.

"Emmaleigh's house."

"Why she was just here? Can it wait until tomorrow?"

"No mom she needs me."

"Why does she need you, at this hour?" She asks loudly.

God mom it's only 10:30. She is killing me here.

"Mom I don't have time. And remember the younger kids are asleep." I ask quietly.

"Yes you do. If you have time for her you have time for me. And I know that I remember my kids. They can't here me and this conversation is not about them, it's about you." she points at me.

"Mom can I tell you later. Please it's urgent."

She looks like I finally broke her down.

"Okay go. This must be important because you have never acted this way before. Be back before midnight."

"Okay. Thank you so so much."

"Now go." she smiles.

I practically run to her house. I tap her window and she opens it. She sits in the corner of her room with her legs close to her chest and she begins to shake. I sit down next to her and rub circles on her back.

"Thank you." She sobs.

She then lays her head on my chest and we stay like that for a while.

"Today is not a good date to remember."

I thought she had fun at my house tonight?

"Why?" I ask.

"One year ago I lost my best friend."


"My mom."

I'm shocked.

"My dad started drinking after she was murdered." She starts sobbing.

"You don't have to continue Em."

"No I need to get this out."

She breathes deeply.

"I was at school, Dad was at work and mom went to the bank to get money she owes me. There was a robbery and she was pronounced dead at the scene. My dad didn't look or talk to me for days."

I'm heartbroken. This girl has been through more than I could imagine.

"He hit me."

I didn't see until now, but she had a bruise on her cheek. I grabbed her face and stared into her eyes.

"Why would he hit you?"

"Alcohol takes over his mind and actions. I'm scared Tristan."

She starts to cry and I stand her up into a hug.

"I will never let anyone hurt you."

"How do you know? How can you be sure that no one will hurt me?"

I kiss her passionately, to the point that it left us both breathe less. I kiss her bruise and she reacts to it as if it hurts. She smiles anyway. I wipe her tear stained cheeks.

"I just know."

"I believe you."

She gives me a big hug.

"I locked my door." she looks up at me with soft eyes.

"Don't worry I will stay here and protect you."

We lay down on her bed and I put my arm protectively around her.

"Thank you." she says.

"For what?"

"For just being here for me and listening to me."

"Your welcome. Anything for you."

She looks at me with a questioned look.

"Can you tell me something that I can think of whenever I get scared or worried?"

I think long and hard about this. It has to be perfect.

"Whenever you are scared, worried, or in any kind of doubt, think of me and I will always be there."

"Perfect Tristan."

I smile and I watch her as she falls asleep. I head sounds from outside her door and I know it's her dad. I see a note under her door.



You were right. I'm the one with the problems not you. I know that it has been hard on you without mom and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you a year ago. I'm here now and I want to talk. I'm sorry for what I did to you and I'm willing to make it up to you in anyway that I can. I'm sorry I let you down as a friend, role model, and most importantly a father.

Love, Dad


He seems upset about what he did. I'm worried for Em's sake and I really don't want him any where near her. I look at Emmaleigh and I know I have to protect her from anything and anyone including her own father.

I almost forgot about what my mom said. I can't leave Em. not right now. I hope my mom understands.

I finally doze off and it's the best sleep I believe I have had since California.

When In Doubt, Think of MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora