Old Friends

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Adele and Luca finally felt like they were in a good place. A month ago, they were running around worried about what Mila would do next, and now she was finally dead, and they couldn't have been happier. However, Saxon was still alive, and it worried Adele. She knew she shouldn't dwell on him because Saxon wasn't a big threat, but the more Dele tried not to let it bother her, the more it did. Even now, Adele was sitting in the kitchen thinking about where Saxon could be hiding while she watched Emma and Erik feed each other, which was disgusting.

"Can't you two go somewhere else and do that?" Adele asked as Katy laughed. Neither was interested in whatever they were doing, and Josie was sitting right in front of them, playing on her iPad with Sophia and Ansel. At least Luca didn't have to watch the two. He was too busy trying to get Tyler asleep while he failed horribly.

"Dee, we're not bothering anybody."

"You're bothering me," Adele said with a fake smile. On the other hand, Erik smiled back while Katy brought her attention to the iPad before her. "Does your husband know he'll never get Tyler to sleep like that?" She laughed as they watched Tyler fight Luca. It was always funny to see Luca try his best to get Ty to sleep, but the boy was a fighter and was determined it wasn't nap time.

"Luca thinks he can do anything, but he'll find out when Ty starts biting. Eventually, Luca will learn he can't control everything, especially not babies on a mission." Adele laughed, shaking her head as she left to check in on the twins sleeping in their bouncers in the living room. For some reason or another, her mind wandered back to the morning she killed Mila. Maybe it was because she was passing her kids, and she couldn't lie. Each time she saw them, Adele felt guilty for what she did.

She knew it was either Mila or her, and Adele chose Mila. Dele wasn't ready to die, and the kids were in good hands without her. Even though Sophia asked about her for about a week after her death, Ansel never breathed her name. Erik made sure they were taken care of. However, she and Luca had another problem named Sibylla. The woman wouldn't leave, and it didn't make it better when she and Obioma constantly argued about the twins.

Sibylla refused to understand that Obioma was their grandmother and that she had the same rights as her. Adele didn't understand why she asked Luca for their old house if she was planning on staying with them. They understood why Obioma was there, which was to get to know her son better, and Axel... well, Axel had been distant. It hurt to see him like that, especially when Erik visited with the kids, causing him to leave every time he saw them. Adele knew he needed time, but he needed to know, none of it was his fault. Adele missed seeing him full of life, but now Axel seemed lost, and she wanted to make it better as she set out to find him after checking on her babies until Luca's phone rang, causing her to lose focus and answer.



'Khalil, why are you calling Luca's phone? Scratch that, how the fuck did you get his number?'

'He gave it to me and told me to call whenever I wanted... but someone's after me. I need help, please. I need to get outta South Carolina. I promise I'll tell you everything you need to know when I arrive.'

Adele didn't know what to think, but she remembered Luca mentioning something about her. However, Khalil was the only friend she had back in South Carolina. Maybe she did need help. She did have a shady boyfriend, but Adele still needed to understand why Luca would give her his number besides hers.

'Okay... okay, let me speak with Luca, and I'll call you back in a few minutes.' Adele quickly said, hanging up before Khalil could utter another word. Afterward, she went upstairs straight to Tyler's room, where Luca was. Truly, Dele didn't know how to feel about the situation. She was a little pissed but knew Luca only did what he thought was right. Still, it hurt to learn Luca had been in contact with Khalil and didn't think to breathe a word to her about it.

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