The Second Encounter

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After a full day of work Adele still was shaken by her encounter with the tall, muscular, tattooed man she ran into at the coffee shop. His words shook her to her core, making it hard for her to concentrate on her job. Whenever she had a moment, she would catch herself thinking about their conversation, if that's what it was called and what he meant. To Adele, it was more of a threat that had her afraid for her life.

'Why do I need to watch my back? Fuck, what the hell does he mean if he was me? I didn't do anything to him.' She thought while making her way to one of her patient's rooms. This could've waited until the morning, but she wanted his family to hear the news from her and tonight. Oliver was a little boy diagnosed with Leukemia a year ago, his parents hoped for a miracle, and today it came true.

"Well, hello, Ollie. How's my favorite patient feeling tonight?"

"I bet she tells that to all her patients, Mom." He laughed as he turned his bright smile to her. Adele wasn't supposed to have favorites but loved this little boy as if he were her own. "But I feel a little better than I did yesterday. Is that a good sign? Will I be able to go home soon?"

"That is a good sign, Buddy. You know I've been working hard to get you home. Get you better so you can get back to playing with your friends and siblings." She smiled while he nodded. It was ridiculous, but his smile made her day better. "Yes, ma'am!"

"Good, you have a few more treatments, then you will be clear. How does that sound?"

"Wait, does that mean the cancer is gone?" His mother asked as she quickly stood to her feet. Adele's nodded with a smile allowing the woman to hug her before she could speak. "Yes, Mrs. Larson, it means Oliver is in remission. Wonderful news; wouldn't you agree, Oliver?"

"He doesn't have to answer! Oh My God, yes... yes... that is wonderful news, Dr. Sallow. Thank you.... thank you!!! You made this happen! You never gave up on our Ollie! Thank you so much. This has to be the greatest day of my life. He's been battling this since he was one, and everybody told us to give up. Thank you again." She cried, hugging her tightly. After everything Adele had been through today, this brightened her day. Seeing Oliver and his family made everything better again. Her mind was finally off the tattooed man as she gave the little boy a real smile.

"I can't take all the credit Mrs—"

"Dr. Sallow, or should I say, Adele. I think we're are past the formalities. Call me Blythe. I'm not too fond of that formal stuff." She whispered in her ear. Adele understood the two of them had known each other for a while, and they had become her fantasy family. The one she wished she had growing up. Sadly, she couldn't change her past. "You're right. We are past that. Take care, Blythe, and you too, Ollie. I'll make sure I check on you soon as I get in tomorrow."

Moments like these Adele loved the most. It warmed her heart to give good news to her patients and their parents, and since Oliver was the last person, she had to see, she quickly clocked out and went to her car. Soon as she got outside of the hospital, her mind wandered back to the mystery man with the tattoos. It forced her to look around at her surroundings, giving herself a bizarre feeling. It felt like someone was watching her, causing her to stop and look around again. She didn't know what she was earning from this but wanted to see if someone was standing back watching her. It was wild that she knew.

"Adele, that man was fucking with you. There was no way he meant what he said." She told herself, but why was she on edge? It was clear he wanted to scare her. He succeeded because now she was scared out of mind, looking around and under cars as she made her way to hers. She knew most who weren't from South Carolina did things to scare them, and she could tell he had a strong German accent. Still, it didn't stop her from watching her back as she heard a noise coming from the side of the building that caused her to run for her life.

Abducted By Lust *Book 1 of the Köhler Series*Where stories live. Discover now