💘Val's Special💘

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"Bakugou, here." you offered Bakugou a bag of your homemade chocolate after a round of exchanging chocolates with others. Bakugou was the only one left.

"L/N offers Bakugou chocolates?!" Kaminari whispered-shouted. Everyone stared in horror when you gave Bakugou the chocolate flat-facedly. (Is this even a word?)

"What d'you want?" Bakugou glared back at you, slamming his chair and exited the classroom.

"Did Bakugou just reject L/N?" Kaminari commented and Mina nudged him. Some friends were making comments about the situation. You put the chocolate on his table and left without any hard feelings. What can you expect from Bakugou anyway?

"L/N-san, are you alright?" Midoriya carefully asked you when you returned to your seat.

"It's okay, Y/N! He's just shy. You know he's no good with these things." Mina was trying to cheer you up.

"I can give you mine if you want." Todoroki also bugged in to cheer you up.

"No, it's fine really." you assured them.

"Do you want me to bring Bakugou back?" Kirishima offered. Everyone is now surrounding your seat, making sure you're okay after Bakugou's behaviour towards you.

"He's no good with his feelings, kero." Asui commented.

"Don't worry, L/N! You just need to confess your feelings to Bakugou!" Uraraka cheered.

"But... I don't have feelings for Bakugou...?" you made a shocking statement that bailed everyone's eyes out.

"WHAT?!" they all yelled in unison. Everyone seems to not believe what you just said.

"What?" you were confused.

"I thought you liked him, L/N!" Kirishima couldn't believe his ears.

"But both of you were very close, it seems like both of you have feelings for each other!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed.

"So Bakugou's love is one-sided?" Todoroki mumbled to himself.

Almost everyone in the classroom not including you knew about Bakugou's feelings for you. Bakugou clearly has feelings for you but he always hides them or denies it.

"But that's impossible!" Mina slammed your table, "Bakugou likes--!" the door slide open right then, revealing Bakugou walking into his seat without a word. The class went silent because of his sudden burst. Mina took back what she wanted to say.

Not long after that, Mr. Aizawa came and everyone returned to their seat.


"Hey." You were putting in your books into your bag when you heard Bakugou called for you. Well, you actually sit behind Bakugou so that is one of the reasons why you two are close.

"Meet me outside the training room." he walked past you and whispered his note. You didn't bother to look up. You keep packing your things up and some friends went up to you to talk.

"Bakugou, where are you going?" You can hear faintly in the background that Kirishima called for Bakugou.

Why did Bakugou ask you to meet him? Probably about the chocolate. He took it though, you didn't see the chocolate on his table nor his drawer.

Do you have feelings for Bakugou? No. Okay, maybe a teensy bit but you already knew you stand no chance with Bakugou. 'Cause he's hotheaded, that's why.

You made your way to the training room. Bakugou was standing in front of the training room, looking at his phone.

You breathed in, 'Please still be my friend.' you walked up to him.

"Bakugou." you called, "Is there something you want to talk about?" he put back his phone to his pocket.

"Yeah. About your chocolate. What do you mean?" His scruffy face told you everything. He didn't want you to have feelings for him. Or at least that's one of the reason.

"Nothing. You're one of my friends." you answered without any facial expression.

"Oh..." he murmured out, he looked down not wanting to look at your gaze.

"Is something matter?" you looked down, meeting him at his gaze.

"No, nothing. Let's go." He tore your gaze and walked away. You followed him from behind.

"Why did you ask?" you asked him all of the sudden.

"I said nothing." he replied almost immediately.



Both of you continued to make your way to the 1-A dorm. You wanted to talk but the atmosphere felt awkward. The sun was setting low. You stopped your tracks to look at the sun, making Bakugou stop too.

He didn't say anything and let out a sigh. You watched as the red sunset paints the the-now-pink sky. Bakugou thought now is the right moment.

"Here." He offered his bar of chocolate with his hand without looking at you.

You stared at him in confusion. He looked at you, getting shy of your staring.

"What? Take it or leave it." He scoffed. Even though he looked like he was not happy with your blank response, he was actually really shy about giving you his store-bought fancy chocolate.

You took the chocolate and thanked him. You looked at the chocolate, it's your favourite kind of chocolate. A pink bow tied around the chocolate as a cute accent to it.

"I didn't give chocolate to anyone yet." his gaze softened, "Except for you."

Your eyes went wide. What did he mean by that? You looked at him and he was already looking at you.

"It's... um... fuck." he swore under his breath of his nervousness, "I like... well, you see, fuck, I like you."

His heart beats so fast, his stomach is churning right now. He wanted to blast something off, maybe Deku's face. You couldn't process his confession just now. You were shocked.

"DON'T JUST STARE AT ME, DAMMIT!" Okay, good. This is the Bakugou you know. "Okay! I get it if you well, I don't fucking know. But don't just fucking stare at me like... that." he was flustered. You get it it was not easy for him.

"I like you too." you smiled and Bakugou went silent. After all this time, you wanted to wait for Bakugou to say it out loud. But you, knowing Bakugou, that was too extreme for him. You thought he would probably ignore the feelings and move on. But today, he confessed his feelings in his own way.

Well, on the other hand, you didn't want to get hurt. So you kept all the feelings in only to yourself. But you know damn well that you LOVE Bakugou.

"Wait. How? Wait a damn minute. Fucking what did you say?" Bakugou was dumbfounded.

"What did I say?" you pretended to be dumb.

"Don't play with me Y/N, I heard it clear as day." he demanded.

"If you heard me clear as day, then you know what I said." you teased him. He sulked.

"Smartass. But you said you don't have feelings for me." he was getting red, "What was that all about?"

"Ah, you heard it. I thought you didn't like me so I lied about my feelings." you looked down, "I'm sorry."

"Fuck that. You don't have to hide your feelings anymore," he took your hand, "Cause I like you."

He kissed the backside of your hand.


Happy Saint Valentine's day!
I hope you love yourself this valentine ♥

-Kim Kuro

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