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Welcome aboard, dearest reader <3! I'm Kim Kuro and keep my introduction short because I have an announcement to make.

I moved to tumblr and I draw now👍 but I still write imagines/ oneshots of jjk, bnha, genshin impact on tumblr so feel free to check it out in the comment section here.

Tumblr: @orieriee
Instagram: @jollierie

Would really appreciate your support to boost my engagement bcs my algorithm is shitty 😭😭

Ok let's get into the book


Warning for this book! Swearing because this is Bakugou, we can't help it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The first chapter is actually a musical chapter. I suggest you to listen to the song first. It's quite catchy and the video is much the scenario in this chapter.

Read the note so you understand the storyline! ⬇

[Note : So the scenario is you and Bakugou are under the same agency and are working as partners. As time went by, Bakugou started to grow feelings for you but he kept denying it. Keep in mind he has ahem, a huge crush on you but he never shows his feelings in front of you.]

[Note : You, on the other hand, starting to develop feelings for him too. But you're oblivious as heck about Bakugou's liking (And so is Bakugou). And you're planning to confess to him but you don't know how.]

⚠ I do not own the song and the video!
↪The real lyrics are in italic in this oneshot, I changed it a little bit like in the names
⚠ This song and video inspired me to write this one shot
⚠ I do not own the GIF
© GIF to tobjo.tumblr.com

Song : A Guy That I'd kinda Been Into
By : Be More Chill Ensemble

Song : A Guy That I'd kinda Been IntoBy : Be More Chill Ensemble

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"Say, Bakugou." you asked him while you and Bakugou were chilling in a rooftop, watching the city lights from above.

"What?" he answered with rather a scoff.

"Say, there's this guy..." you were nervous to ask him.

"What? If you're gonna say something, say it dammit!" he growled.

"Say there's this person you pass in the hall everyday.." you looked up at the dark sky,

"You've known him since seventh grade." you sighed. Bakugou kept silent but you knew he is listening.

"You're used to thinking about him in a certain way. From the pesona that he displays." you smiled a bit, thinking about that certain someone.

"Then something changes, and he changes..." you continued,

"From a guy that you'd never be into, into."

"Into a guy that you'd kinda be into" you looked sideways to Bakugou.

"From a guy that I'd never be into," you closed your eyes,

"Into a guy that I'd kinda be into." you tilted your head side to side.

"Is he worth it? Bakugou?" Bakugou gave you a questioned look. "Is He?"

Bakugou started to realise what you were saying. He thinks you were talking about him. Yes, his ego can be high like this. But he didn't want to make it seems obvious.

"Say there's this person that you never knew that well."

'She is totally into you.' Bakugou's head voice said.

"You thought that you had him pegged, but now you can tell. He's gone from a...

Guy that you'd never be into," you continued,
"Into a guy that you'd kinda be into
From a guy that I'd never be into
Into a guy that I'd kinda be into"

Bakugou stared deeply into your eyes,

"Is he worth it, Bakugou?" you noticed his intense stare and averted away.

"I don't always relate to other people my age
Except when I'm on the stage"
"And there are so many changes that I'm going through"

"And why am I telling this to you?" looking back to Bakugou, you saw his little smirk showing in his lips.

"Guess there's a part of me that wants to..." you leaned into Bakugou.

"I guess a part of me wants, who knew?" Bakugou never tear his eyes off of you.

"I guess a part of me likes to talk to you,
I guess a part of me likes to, who knew?" Bakugou looked surprised by your actions. You moved closer to his body.

"I guess a part of me likes to sit with you.
I guess a part of me likes to, who knew?" his heart starting to beat fast. Butterflies visiting in his stomach. You put your head on his shoulder and his heart started to race rapidly.

"I guess a part of me likes to hang with you.
I guess a part of me--" he was looking at you when you lifted up your head to see his face.

Both of you were flustered as hell. Bakugou looked the other way and you looked into anywhere else but Bakugou.

"Back to play rehearsal, I know that its weird,
But its totally true." this is your chance. It's either tell Bakugou and get rejected or never tell Bakugou about it at all.

To be honest, what can you expect from Bakugou. He strives to become a number one hero. He doesn't have time to think about love.

"A guy that i'd kinda be into..." you hummed in the tiniest voice,

"The guy that you'd kinda be into...?" Bakugou followed your rhythm.

"Yeah," you took a deep breath,
"that guy that i'd kinda be into..."
"That guy that you'd kinda be into..." Bakugou sang softly with you, hoping from the bottom of his heart that the one you're talking about is him.

"Is..." you looked to Bakugou's side, he was looking the other way.

Your heart shattered, it seems like he didn't want to hear about what you were going to say. Your bravery went away.

"Nevermind." you breathed out, looking at the palms of your hand.

"..." Bakugou didn't move an inch. You'll never tell he's actually EXTREMELY nervous. He wanted to burst something but he kept his horses cool.

"Say," you were cut off by Bakugou.

"It's me, isn't it?" his voice were lower than his usual.

"Is it me?" he faced your way, staring deeply at your eyes.

"Wh-what?" you could see blush all over his face. You bet your blush is as red as his eyes.

"The guy that you'd kinda be into?" he scratched his head, not wanting to look into your eyes now. If he's wrong, he won't know how to react towards you.

You went silent. The silence maintain for quite a while before you blurted out,

"Yes." you smiled sadly, "Sorry if you don't feel the same way."

"Fine, whatever." he finally breathed out his air that he kept inside his lungs,

"I'd kinda be into you too."

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