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Dangerous Era

You sighed, placing your purse on the end table as you eyed your reflection in the foyer's exquisite full-length mirror. Your eyes sweep over the clock guiltily. You'd promised Michael dinner at 6 and the hour was slowly approaching seven. Despite your tardiness, you knew he'd be patiently waiting for you and it made you feel horrible.

It was unlike you to run late but lately; you weren't acting much like yourself and things between you and Michael were different.

There was a subtle yet sudden shift in your relationship.

You'd were aloof and dispassionate, entranced in a world of your own. You'd grown distant from your beloved. The spark of the romance you two once shared had long fizzled out and your relationship was hanging by a thread despite the promise of marriage, you'd pledged nearly a year ago.

 At least, that's the way you saw it or wanted to see it. Michael seemed completely oblivious and was glued to the idea of a picture-perfect relationship that no longer existed.

Your heels clicked against the hardwood floor as you approached the dining room. Michael sat patiently at the head of the table, absent-mindedly swirling a glass of red wine. The table had been beautifully been set, a dreamy, romantic record from decades past spun on the stereo and candles twinkled under the dim lights, clumps of crème colored wax dripping down their spines.

You should be charmed but you only feel dread towards the idea of a romantic evening.

Upon your entrance, Michael pushes himself from the table, flashing a bright, loving smile as he approaches you.

"Y/N, baby," he speaks softly, large hands fastening to your hips. "I've been waiting."

He bends down to press a gentle kiss to your mouth and you sigh against his lips

"I know and I'm sorry" you reply, voice laced with guilt. "I was out with April. I lost track of time."

A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips. If only he knew.

"Forget about it, baby. You're here now. Let's just enjoy ourselves."

Michael guides you to your seat, pulling out your chair in his typical chivalrous manner and a pang of guilt washes over you. He was so caring and so princely, and you were sure there were many women that would love to take your place. You were ungrateful and you knew it.

Suddenly unable to look your fiancé in the eye, you reach for your fork, poking at a generous serving of green beans.

You hated to lie to Michael, but you felt that it was your only choice. It was the only way you could keep the secrecy of your disloyalty.

For the past few months, you'd had found company in the arms of another man.

You couldn't quite remember how it had happened. It had all been a whirlpool of longing and desire. Michael was busy and always on the go. You often found herself feeling neglected, undesirable and lonely and suddenly, he came along.

Richard was caring and attentive and he wasn't famous. He made you feel beautiful and was available in ways Michael always wasn't. You didn't like to compare the two men, but it had become difficult not to. There was no drastic difference. Michael had once been all that you needed but lately, things had changed.

The only difference that mattered was that you promised your hand to one and belonged to the other under false pretenses.

"Baby," Michael speaks, snapping you out of your remorseful thoughts. ''things are beginning to slow down with the tour and all. I think it's time."

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