Fall Again✨

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HIStory era

A bright stream of foggy, grey sunlight was the first sight to greet you when you peeled back the heavy drapes of your hotel room that morning. As you brushed the last bits of sleep out of your eyes you stared down at the city below you, the sight of an English flag on a building reminding you that you were still in the UK. Every morning, you found yourself re-learning which city you were in as every few days you were waking up in a different country

A cartoon blared from the door of the adjoining suite indicating that your day would soon be in full swing.

You were traveling the world with your two children and world-famous husband as he embarked on his third concert tour. While you usually enjoyed traveling, you'd found this trip particularly stressful and isolating.

You and Michael had been at odds with one another for quite a few months now. The two of you were once inseparable and quite in love but something had gone wrong and neither one of you could figure it out.

Michael had become aloof and secretive, often shutting you out and engrossing himself in his work. It was already difficult enough being married to the King of Pop and having to share him with millions of adoring fans around the world. You understood Michael's love for his craft and tried to respect that, but you couldn't fight the feeling of you and the kids being sidestepped for his career. You'd hold it all in until you could no longer stand it but airing out your grievances only backfired and lead to nasty fights.

Things had finally reached a breaking point. Michael had moved out of the main house in Neverland and you'd gone and made things worse by filing for legal separation. When Michael announced he was doing another world tour, he suggested that you and the children come along, insisting that it would be a good opportunity to have the family all together. You'd only agreed because you knew the children would miss their father too much and hardly got to see much of him now.

You decided to get dressed and ready to spend the day with your children. Michael was due to have a show this evening and would likely be spending the afternoon in soundcheck and rehearsals.

When you open the door to Michael's separate suite, you are greeted with the sight of toys and books shrewn about the floor. The kids are cuddled up with their dad, watching a Merrie Melody. Breakfast trays with leftover bits of fruits and eggs sit near-by.

"Good morning," you speak, although you suddenly feel that your presence is a burden.

Michael sets his gaze on you and flashes a small smile. He looks handsome and relaxed in casual clothes and no make-up, a few loose tendrils of curls perfectly framing his face.

"Look, Mommy's awake," he announces to the children.

"Good morning, Mommy," your seven and four-year-old, Daniel and Chloe greet you in unison.

You grin, leaning down to press kisses to their foreheads and cheeks.

"Good morning, darlings. What are you watching?"

"Roadrunner. Daddy's favorite." Daniel replies, staring up at you with bright doe eyes that resemble his father's.

Suddenly you feel sad, thinking about mornings pasts that had been like this. Only you and Michael were happier then. You were very conflicted. Deep down in your heart, you knew you didn't want to part from Michael the pressure and price of being his wife were beginning to weigh heavy.

"There's breakfast for you if you're hungry, Y/N," Michael speaks. "Join us."

You'd been keeping somewhat of a distance to allow Michael as much time with the kids as possible and kept them occupied while he was away. They absolutely adored their father and lately, you felt that you couldn't compete. You felt more like their nanny and less like their mother on this vacation.

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