An Unexpected Surprise✨

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Dangerous Era

If you want to make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make the change

You gotta get it right, while you got the time

You can't close your, your mind!

You watched, awestruck as your husband did a spin that could rival Tasmanian Devil and sunk to his knees with applause from the crowd.

You'd seen him do it a million times but each time you still couldn't figure out how one human being could be so talented. You clapped along with the crowd from your private box but stopped short when you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen.

For the past two months, you'd been accompanying your very famous husband, Michael Jackson, on his Dangerous world tour.

Michael wasn't the biggest fan of touring. He hated the flights, time zone changes, and grueling schedules but he figured he'd have a better time if he had the love of his life by his side. When you'd met Michael, he'd just finished a world tour, and this would be the first time you'd be traveling with him as his wife.

The Dangerous Tour was mostly across Europe and Asia and there were so many places you'd wanted to visit. Every few days it seemed as if you were in a different country and the jeg lag could really get to you sometimes, but you still enjoyed every moment of it. Michael was your best friend and the two of you spent almost all your time together. You could hardly imagine being away from him for so many months.

The show was nearing its finale, Michael suiting up in his space gear for a stage illusion to make it look as if he was jetting off stage. Goosebumps had peppered your skin at the moving performance, and you stood to your feet suddenly feeling that same sharp pain.

"Ouch" you moaned, rubbing your back.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

Michael's bodyguard, Bill Bray tipped his hat to you as he approached your slumped figure. Every night after a show he escorted you backstage to meet up with Michael and then lead the two of you out of the Stadium to the safety of your limo.

You'd learned the hard way that Michael's fans could be very rabid and overzealous when you were mobbed outside of a restaurant in Las Vegas very early in your relationship.

Still, all the mania couldn't take you away from the man you loved.

"I'm fine, Bill," you sighed. "Maybe having a little female trouble. I hope we can stop at a store. Pads in Switzerland should be the same as pads in America, right?"

The gentleman chuckled.

"I'm not sure," he retorted. "I never need to know,"

You giggled realizing your mistake.

"I'll ask Karen then,"

You followed Bill backstage, a throbbing pain lingering in your back. Your eyes lit up when you saw Michael chugging down orange juice and wiping the sweat that poured from his forehead.

His curls were frizzy, a few loose strands clinging to his face and neck and his cheeks were glowing bright pink, the thin gold chain around his neck glittering against his clavicle. He was always gorgeous but there was something about Michael after a show that made him absolutely irresistible.

His Bambi eyes fell on you and Bill, and he grinned.

"Hey, baby," He greeted.

You rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

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