How You Get The Girl✨

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Thriller Era

Requested by @TMNTAnimeDisneyLover. Hope you enjoy!

"I'm so bored with Encino boutiques. Let's go somewhere we've never shopped before- like Pasadena,"

You giggled, rolling your eyes playfully as LaToya shuffles past the pool with two arms full of shopping bags, her heels clacking against the terracotta bricks.

"Bored??" You giggle. "I'd never be able to tell by the amount of shopping bags, dear,"

She shrugged, her hand adorned with long, Fuschia acrylic nails reaching for the sliding glass door.

"Boredom doesn't stop a good sale,"

This you knew was true. Whenever you felt the need for retail therapy, LaToya was your go-to girl. The two of you were unstoppable.

She knew all the best boutiques, was up to date with the latest fashions, and was sure to charm her way into a discount.

You grin.

"You're right," you respond as LaToya walks ahead of you into the house. "I've got a list of things I just love,"

"Let's have a fashion show in my room,"

The two of you were so busy chatting excitedly about your new garments, you almost didn't feel something smooth and pellet-like hit the back of your neck.

"Hey!" you huff, furrowing your eyebrows in annoyance as you spin around to face the culprit.

You're greeted with a brilliant smile and your vexed composure softens, a violent blush stinging your cheeks.

"Mike, you little pest,"

Michael grins before popping another grape in his mouth from behind the Jackson's kitchen counter.

"So that's why you decided to go out shopping with my sister instead of your best friend. I'm disappointed in you, Y/N,"

LaToya was just your shopping buddy but in reality, it was Michael you were closest to.

The two of you had met some years ago at a Jacksons Concert. Your roommate had won backstage passes to one of their local shows in a radio contest and you happily tagged along, never expecting the night to end with a budding friendship with Michael Jackson.

Michael was nothing like you'd expected a celebrity to be like. He was shy and sweet and very kind and personable. The two of you had bonded and could not stop talking. You called each other during the rest of the tour and when it ended Michael had invited you to his family home in Encino.

Since then the two of you had been thick as thieves. Over the years, however, your feelings for Michael had grown beyond that of the platonic variety.

Like many, many girls, you had a crush on him. You'd never admit it though.

You roll your eyes, a small giggle escaping you.

"Every time you wanna go shopping it's to the Salvation Army," You retort. " I wanted something new and stylish. You know Toya's good at that.

"Hey," he frowns. "Don't knock the Salvation Army. You find good stuff there,"

LaToya giggles.

"Yeah if you're like, sixty," his sister quips.

Michael rolls his eyes as he folds his arms across his chest.

"I'm not talking to you, friend stealer," He quickly angles his body towards you. "Now that your shopping spree is over, wanna go for a walk with me and Louie?"

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