Chapter 31

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Cassie's POV

Jake decided to take a temporary leave of action from work in order to sort out "personal matters that are too present to ignore." I was asked what that meant when Danielle called me and I told her what I could manage. It was hard to try to explain what was going on without breaking down so I left her in the dark. I told her I'd let her know what I could when I found out for myself. Luckily for me she believed me, now I just need to believe myself.


It took me a couple days to finally put myself back together after talking to Jake. I've been spiraling, losing myself over and over because my emotions have gotten the best of me. In a way I feel like I've lost apart of me, but in another I feel relief. I don't know what that means for me but I really hope to find out.

It's time for me to go find Harry. I've cried enough and I've worried enough, now it's time to do something. He and I need to talk and figure out where we go from here. He's important to me and I don't like where we stand right now. We're not on solid ground and that's where we need to be.  I'm going to fix this. I'm going to fix it right now.

I jump out of my bed rush around the house to clean myself up enough for him. I can't look like I've been tearing myself apart because that would imply I did something wrong. I wasn't wrong for what I did but I'm willing to apologize and put it all behind us if he is.

Throwing on my shoes and grabbing my bag, I leave my house for the first time in a week. I run down my stairs to my beetle. I nearly close myself in the door trying to hurry up and get myself in the car. That's when I realize I have no idea where Harry is. I don't even know if he's still in California. He could be back home, in the UK, by now if he really wanted to be. I'm going to have to call him --or someone who might know where he is.

Hastily, I take my phone out of my bag and unlock it. I don't know who to call first. Do I call Harry and see if he even wants to see me? Do I call anyone else to make sure he's still in town? Who do I call?

Suffering to figure out what to do, I unlock and relock my phone for quite some time, that is until it starts ringing in my hands. I glance at the ID, it's Liam. Quickly unlocking my phone, I release the deep breath I've been holding before speaking.

"Liam, thank you," I sigh into the receiver.

"You're welcome?" He sounds confused.

"What's up?" I change subject. "Wha- why'd you call?"

"Not much I wanted to see if you were home."

"I'm actually in my car on my way out. Should I change my plans?"

"Yeah, you should. I'm coming by your flat... with Harry... and Niall. Niall and I think you two need a push in fixing things so we forced Harry to get in the car. We're not too far now, actually. We're like five minutes away at most."

"Oh. You guys are really close... No problem. I'll be here. I'll see you soon."

"You will. Bye, Cass!" Liam hangs up immediately after speaking.

I drop my phone onto my lap and try to allow myself a second to process what's happening before I can start to panic. I have to go upstairs. The boys are coming and they're bringing the only person I want to see right now. I couldn't be happier.

I race from my car, back into my house. "I get to see him today," I whisper to myself.

"I get to see Harry," I scream.

I get to see Harry. Hopefully he wants to see me.

Harry's POV

Liam's just hung up from his conversation with Cassie. I don't know why he even bothered to call her, she doesn't want to see me. Jake made it all very clear and then she did by deciding not to return my phonecalls. She doesn't want me anymore and I can't blame her. I mean I'm Harry Styles after all. Everyone regrets dating me eventually.

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