Chapter 30

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Cassie's POV

To say I'm angry would be an understatement. I'm down right furious with Jake's, dare I say, unnecessary actions. He had no right to make any sort of decision on my behalf. Still he had the audacity to and I- I just don't understand why. Why would he do that to me?

I called my cousin Brittany for the first time since I moved to LA. She's always my last resort. I didn't mean for our relationship to be that way but that's what separation does to you, she's not around so there's no real way to maintain whatever we are. None of that really matters though because I still talked to her about Jake and she had some interesting ideas as to why he suddenly became so, as she said, "ballsy."

"Brittany," I say.

"Mrs. Styles!" She screeches.

"Please stop. That's what we need to talk, well partly anyway."

"What happened?"

"It's Jake."

"Jake? Has puppy eyes when he's around you Jake?" She asks with some surprise.

"Puppy eyes?"

"Yes. They're the eyes that puppies make at their owners."

"He doesn't do that."

I can practically hear her roll her yes. "Yeah and I'm totally not obsessed with One Direction."

I groan into the receiver.

"He likes you and you know it, Cass. You just don't see him that way. To be quite frank, I don't understand why. Jake is literally the hottest guy I've seen, in person, and he's totally in love with you."

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