Chapter 15

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Louis POV


“You’re and idiot, Louis,” Louise tells me, tossing her bottle of aspirin my way.

“I’m aware.” I say. “Thanks for the drugs.”

“You’re welcome. Do you want me to do that for you?” She asks pointing to the wet mess on top of my head.

“Yeah. Please, I don’t have the energy or the patience to do it myself.”

“Okay. Liam do you need something?” Louise asks, reminding me that I was escorted here by Daddy Direction.

“Just him when you’re done,” Liam says.

“I’ll bring him to you. Go,” Louise shoos him.

Liam leaves without another word, leaving Louise and I alone. Why was she so determined to make him leave and where’s her child at?

“Where’s Lux?” I ask, confused.

“She’s with Niall. He came by earlier and she didn’t want him to leave so he took her with him. They’ll be back in a little while."


“Alright, let me get the stuff for your hair. I’ll be right back.”

It never takes Louise very long to do my hair; she’s got it down. Within ten minutes she’s turned my wet, flat hair into a nicely dried, messy quiff. I’m very happy with it and thankful that she did it for me.

“Thanks, Lou.” I say, standing from the chair. I’m not standing up long before she pushes me back down, making me a little dizzy.

“Not so fast,” she says, holding up a finger.

“Fine. You didn’t have to push me,” I say, hands up surrender.

“What’s wrong with you?”

I’m really confused as to what she’s referring to.“What? There’s nothing wrong with me.”

“Cut the bullshit, Louis. What happened?”


Louise rolls her eyes.“You didn’t talk the entire time I was doing your hair. I took way longer than I usually do and you didn’t say a word.”

“Okay. What’s your point?”

“You’re a chatter box, even with a hangover. The only time you don’t talk is when something’s up.. Did something happen with Elle?”

Eleanor? Is she serious? “No. I haven’t spoken to her since the last time we were in London.”

“Then who is it?”

No one on the team, aside from Paul, knows about Cassie. I don’t want to tell anyone else about her either. “Louise, please, drop it,” I plead.

Lou looks at me for a few seconds and then sighs. “Fine,” she says, throwing her hands up in the air.

“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” I say, leaving Louise’s room with the pills she tossed to me earlier.

Instead of heading back to my room and taking the aspirin, like I should, I go to find Liam. Unfortunately for me, he is in Harry’s room. I don’t want to go in there after everything that happened last night but I don’t really have a choice; Cassie’s going to leave and I need to say goodbye. So, that’s exactly what I do. I give her a quick hug and leave, not staying in Harry’s room long enough to stir up any more drama. A few minutes after that, Harry sneaks Cassie back out of the hotel. I don’t bother tagging along because it isn’t really worth it and I’m not in a good enough state to do so, not with my hangover.

Half A Heart › New Edition ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ