Chapter 16

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Louis’ POV

“Just come with me.” Harry tells me for the thirteenth time this morning. I don’t want to go with him to Cassie’s house. I just want to finish packing up my stuff in peace.

“No. Take Liam with you. I don’t want to go.”

“You can’t avoid her forever. She was wondering where you were the whole time we were at the concert.”

There’s no way. He’s lying to me. “Really?”

“Well, she never asked out loud but it was obvious she was looking for someone, as her eyes were glued to the door until the show started.”

“Why would she be looking for me? You guys seem to really enjoy being around each other. I just figured you-”

“No. Mate, why would you think I slept with her? Do you not remember anything she told us? It’s obvious she needs a friend, justa friend.”

I sigh. “You’re right. Sorry.”

“It’s fine. Look are you coming with me or not?”

“Not.” Harry looks at me with sheer disappointment. I know I should go but I don’t want to do anything stupid and I really don’t want to ruin whatever she sees in my by saying something that will hurt her feelings. It’s just better for everyone if I stay away from her.

“Whatever,” is the last thing Harry says before leaving my room. He’s pissed.


It takes me a while to pack up the rest of my suitcase but when I’m done I decide to go check up on the rest of the guys. After a bit of walking, I find myself in front of Liam’s door. I’m about to knock but I don’t. Maybe I should go see what Zayn’s doing,  I never got to check on him the other day. I think it’s time to find out what’s going on.

I walk down a few doors to Zayn’s room and knock. The door opens a few moments later and a messy haired, glasses wearing Zayn greets me. “What’s up, Louis?”

“I came to see if you were ready to go.”

Zayn looks confused. “Isn’t that Liam’s job?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

“Okay. Well, I’m just packing. You can come in and chill if you want,” Zayn says, stepping back into his room.

I walk in and the first thing I see are piles of clothes strewn all around the room. I thought I brought a lot of clothes but I guess I was wrong, Zayn brought even more than I did. I’m baffled by how much he brought. How did he fit all of that in his suitcase?

“I know what you’re thinking and I have no idea. Perrie helped me pack.”

Perfect he brought up Perrie, now I can get to the real reason that I came to his room. “I can tell. Speaking of Perie, how are things going with you two?”

Zayn doesn’t look too happy that I asked. “Things are as going as well as they can be when I can’t see her. We’re both busy, makes it hard sometimes.”

“I know how you feel. However, you’ve got a lifeline; being engaged is going to help with the distance because the ring says she intends to stay with you. Just keep your head up, alright. She’s not going anywhere, you’re not going anywhere, you’re golden.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks.”

“It’s no problem really. Now are you gonna tell me what’s been up with you this week? You were fine until we went out to eat with Cassie. Then you got super moody.”

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