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          Draco and Harry knew they were going to see eachother today.
Draco didn't show up at breakfast and Harry felt a little worried for the blonde.

          Tonight was the night Harry was going to give the little purity he has left to the man he loves. Harry would be excited under other circumstances.

          The day was slow, filled with anxiety and Harry couldn't take it.

          When the time came there was a soft knock on the door. Harry was sitting on his bed. He's asked Ron and Hermione to leave him for at least two hours.

          ,,Harry.." Draco mumbled. As soon as he saw the boy, he felt scared. He felt scared he's going to hurt the boy. He was scared he will touch the boy in a way he won't like.
Draco was mostly scared of what's going to happen after their vow is fulfilled.

          Harry's eyes were threatening to let tears fall. The blonde male he loved has cheated on him. Harry couldn't hold the tears in any longer and Draco saw them.

          ,,I'm sorry for what I've done.." Draco says.
,,Why did you do it, Malfoy?" The spiteful tone in Harry's voice hurt but Draco knew he deserved it.
,,I don't even remember doing it, Harry."
,,I don't remember kissing her. At all."
,,Are you not kidding?"
,,I wouldn't dare to. Harry I'm still not on good terms with her. Plus I'm gay."
,,You did it though, Draco... I can't love you if you cheated on me..."
,,I.. I understand, Harry... But.. Give me this night. I want to show you that I love you... And you only."
,,Please... Do it.." Harry mumbled.

          Draco softly crashed his lips onto Harry's. Both males haven't even touched the other one in five days and it was hurting them. Their bond was too strong.

          ,,Harry.. Do you truly want this...?"
,,I think I do, Draco." Harry said, avoiding eye contact.
Soft kisses were placed by Draco on his lover's neck and he sucked on the skin. For one night only, Harry was his. For the last time he could feel his lover's skin against his own.

          After a while soft cries escaped the raven haired boy's mouth. They haven't even started yet, Draco was still only kissing the boy's skin. Harry felt the burning emotion between them. It was stronger than ever before. Draco stopped what he was doing and looked at his boyfriend.

          ,,Harry.." Draco said as he caressed the boy's cheek, wiping Harry's tears away.
,,Please just... Do it." Harry mumbled softly. He didn't necessarily feel aroused, he felt amused by the moment.
He was amused by the wonderful caricature of intimacy that Draco was making of himself.*
He was amused by the way Draco was able to show him love with no words spoken.

          Soon, soft moans were heard by the walls from both males. The sounds of their bodies moving against eachother was echoing in the room. The pleasure was too much for Harry and a few tears escaped. Draco made sure to kiss them away.
,,Harry you're beautiful."

          Harry's tears didn't stop because he knew that after this intimate moment, it will be the end of them. After this beautiful feeling, he will be alone again.
Draco soon started crying as well, seeing his lover cry made him sad and when he heard Harry's thoughts, Harry was telling him he doesn't want to break up with him but it's for the best, made him break.

          ,,You're indescribable, love." Draco mumbled as he bit into his lover's jawline gently and then nipped on his ear, earning soft moans from the raven haired boy.

          He was still gently rocking his hips against the smaller boy's. The boy was roaming his hands around the blonde's body, feeling his muscles and tracing his snow white skin with his fingers. He missed his lover already.
,,I love you, Harry." Draco said and kissed his boyfriend's neck.
,,I..." Harry couldn't say it back. He just couldn't.

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