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          Draco came to see the raven haired boy. He couldn't help it.
His eyes watered at the sight. The boy was laying on the bed, crying his eyes out.

          Harry felt broken. Dirty. Filthy. Unworthy of affection.
He was no longer pure. He was no longer able to have his first time with someone he's loved. He could no longer be excited and fantasize of his first time.
It was taken from him and he could never get it back.

          Draco's heart was breaking. Tears escaped his eyes as he ran to the boy he loved but had yet to tell him.

          ,,Harry, oh Merlin, Harry." Draco sat onto the bed and the boy sat up as well, throwing his arms around the blonde. He was sobbing uncontrollably. The faint sounds, whimpers, escaping Harry's mouth were only breaking Draco's heart more.

          ,,D. .Draco. . ." Harry said and made Draco look up at him quickoly, still holding him close.
,,What is it, Harry? What can I do for you?"
,,Sirius. . I. . I want him here.."
,,I'll get him, he has a lesson but. . I'll do it for you."

          The 8th year students sure were surprised when they saw Draco run into the classroom without any "excuse me" or politeness, he ran to Sirius and whispered something in parseltongue which made Sirius give everyone a free period and they left the room together, in hurry.

          Speculations were already in the air and Ron, Hermione, Neville and Luna were already staring back and forth at eachother. They all knew something was wrong with Harry, but they also knew they wouldn't see him until the rest of the classes, which was 2 more hours. 2 hours too much if you ask them. Damned late night classes.

          When the two men came inside of the infirmary, they saw Harry trying to compose himself but failing miserably. His eyes fell on Sirius.
,,Dad. . ." He cried out.
Sirius was quick to hug his godson. He held him until the boy's cries died down completely.

          Harry was still shaking, but even that was slowly dying down as he finally composed himself after about 2 hours of crying. He was so vulnerable he didn't care who held him and how they held him. He motioned for Draco, who was standing there quietly to come sit down.

          Harry then moved his shaking hand over Draco's. He wanted Draco to hold his hand and the blonde didn't think twice before grebbing his hand and holding it as tight as he could.

          Sirius, who still held the boy gave a faint smile to the blonde and then straightened his posture. He had to learn what happened in order to help Harry.
,,Son, what has happened?"
,,C. . .Ced. . ." As soon as he started to say the name he realized he couldn't as tears started escaping his eyes once again.

          ,,Mr. Black, if Harry would like it, I will be the one to tell you, later." Harry only nodded into Sirius's chest and clutched the long haired man's shirt hard.
Draco felt helpless. He knew he couldn't do anything. And it truly hurt. More than anything. He squeezed Harry's hand tighter and Harry squeezed it back, just not as hard as Draco.

          ,,D-Draco. . Where did you go. . . What was more important. . ." Harry cried out again.
,,Don't worry about it, Harry. . I promise I did everything I had to as quickly as possible just to come to you."
,,Thank you. . ." The boy felt awfully tired, his head hurt and all of the water from his body was probably drained from crying.

          Draco soon handed Harry a cup of his favorite orange juice but Harry refused it and asked for clear water. Draco quickly changed the liquid and handed it to the brunette.
,,Thanks, Draco." He said, gulping down the water as if he hasn't drunk anything for the past few days.

          ,,Dad. . I. . . Thanks. . . You can leave now. . Wait no, how's Remus? Is he not petrified anymore?" Sirius only nodded. His lover and a boy who he sees as son were both in the infirmary. What a lucky man Sirius was. He knew Harry wished to be with Draco alone. After all, they both had feelings for eachother.
,,I love you, Harry. Remember that. Would you like me to tell Remus?"
Harry only nodded in response. The raven haired boy then received a kiss on his forehead and Sirius has left the room.

          Harry and Draco shared no words. They both were looking elsewhere than each other, still holding hands. They both had a tight grip on eachother.

          After classes ended, Draco was still in the infirmary, with the raven boy asleep. When Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville and Blaise all came into the room and saw the two men holding hands a lot of idea came in mind yet no one spoke up.

          They didn't dare to.

          They only came close, obvious looks of curiosity on their faces.
Draco paid them no mind however when Ron opened his mouth to ask why Draco held Harry's hand, Draco quickly spoke.
,,Shut up. You'll wake him up."

          ,,What happened to him?" Hermione whispered.
,,That's for him to tell. Who's going to replace me and hold his hand? I need to talk to Severus."
Hermione quickly came to him and replaced Draco's position.
He told them goodbyes, pat Blaise on the shoulder and went straight into the dungeons with the intent of getting revenge on a certain brunette who Harry almost died for.

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