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dracomalfoy : Harry
dracomalfoy : today, after classes
dracomalfoy : I'm going to shop at Hogsmeade
dracomalfoy : do you need anything?
dracomalfoy : I know you're going to your tutoring session with Severus

harryjpotter : well, I'd love some new books, if you don't mind

dracomalfoy : of course I don't
dracomalfoy : nerd

harryjpotter : mean
harryjpotter : I'd also appreciate some creamy-sweetie puffs

dracomalfoy : you actually like these?
dracomalfoy : they're too sweet
dracomalfoy : how can you eat that?

harryjpotter : they're actually not, you just have to eat then correctly

dracomalfoy : eat them correctly?

harryjpotter : you have to keep them in your mouth and wait for them to melt
harryjpotter : if they get bitten into, they'll act on their "senses" and try to protect themselves from being eaten by being too sweet

dracomalfoy : I'm done

harryjpotter : but will you get them?

dracomalfoy : of course, Harry

harryjpotter : thanks, Dray

dracomalfoy : nvm I won't

harryjpotter : I meant thank you, Draco, my awesome boyfriend who I will love til' death do us apart

dracomalfoy : you flatter me, Potter

harryjpotter : anything to get my creamy-sweetie puffs

dracomalfoy : I'd get them anyway, love

harryjpotter : you might be as sweet as they are when they are bitten into

dracomalfoy : want to find out?

harryjpotter : Draco no, stop. Bad Draco.

dracomalfoy : buy your own puffs then

harryjpotter : Draco...:(

dracomalfoy : did you just use an emoticon?

harryjpotter : perhaps

dracomalfoy : don't use them ever again and I'll buy you a month worth of puffs

harryjpotter : deal

dracomalfoy : I'll see you after I'm done, I love you

harryjpotter : bye Draco
harryjpotter : I love you too

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