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harryjpotter : Snape was awfully nice to me today
harryjpotter : well I mean, it's Snape and he ain't nice
harryjpotter : but he was... nice in his own way
harryjpotter : Insolitus was nice too, made me a cup of tea and told me to not overdo it with the paperwork
harryjpotter : McGonagall asked me if I'm okay because I spaced out
harryjpotter : you were there but you were too invested in talking with Pansy so you probably didn't notice
harryjpotter : Dumbledore asked me if I had everything for school
harryjpotter : I don't know why but without this
harryjpotter : I'd probably be doing a lot worse
harryjpotter : I mean with Blaise and Neville staring at me throughout the classes and all
harryjpotter : Hell
harryjpotter : I don't even know why I'm telling you this, Malfoy
harryjpotter : hope the date goes well
delivered 5:07 pm

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