∆ 52 - 3rd part ∆

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          Harry's head was under water, he was looking at the memory called 1-D.

          The memory was starting to play.

          ,,I wish to be granted a permission to use cruciatus."
,,On whom you might wish to use the unforgivable curse? What is the name of the living being who deserves to face such unbearable torture?"
,,Cedric Diggory."
,,And why you might wish to use the unforgivable curse on this man? Why is he worthy of your time and my permission?"
,,He assaulted a loved one of mine."
,,I'm afraid. It is not enough of a reason, child of mine. Assaults happen every day."

          ,,Please. My loved one, he's the sweetest person you'll ever see. He's never deserved the fate he has been assigned to. He's the one who defeated the Dark Lord. He deserves some justice in his life. He doesn't deserve to be hurt. He doesn't deserve any of the pain he's been through."

          ,,Harry Potter is the one you speak of? What a curious case of an event. If I do use my power and grant your wish of using the unforgivable, what is your gift?"
,,Anything you wish for, sir."

          ,,Very well, child of mine. Do bring the man whose name is Cedric Diggory to me. I wish to see you use the curse. I have to ensure you only use it once, no more. I have to ensure you were worthy of using the curse. No one shall see you curse it. If the loved one is worthy of such actions, you don't deserve a punishment for them, even if not correct."

          ,,Is that all you wish for, sir?"
,,Indeed my child, it may sound far too amazingly easy to be the truth. Yet I have nothing else to ask from you, my child."

          ,,Thank you, sir Salazar Slytherin."

          ,,None of the words you just spoke mean anything to me, dearest child. Show me the love you've expressed towards the loved one of yours and I might be a little moved. Show me the emotions you hold for The Chosen One. No one has shown me such interest in someone as you did. No one would take actions as far to use the unforgivables. There was one cause, uncountable time ago, I must admit. Yet, it's been centuries since I've seen such burning affection. But remember my words. Engrave them deep inside of your mind. Actions matter, Draco Lucius Malfoy. Actions.. Always have consequences." 

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