Chapter 34

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I don't know when or how I fell asleep, but I managed to after everything ran through my brain on a loop.

What woke me up was the loud sound of a door opening at the other end of the room.

I jolted awake and sat up straight to see Jacob walking through the room with two trays of food in his hands.

"Morning sunshine." He says with a grin plastered across his face.

God, I want to slam his face into the concrete.

I look over to see Grace sitting in the same position she was before I fell asleep. I don't know if she even slept at all. She doesn't look like she has, but I'm sure six months of this can do that to a person.

Jacob places the tray on the ground in front of Grace before walking over to me and placing mine down as well. He crouches down to look at me at eye level, and the grin he has on his face is making my blood boil.

"How'd ya sleep?" He says in a happier than normal voice.

"I have a fucking hole in my leg." I spit out. I start to run my tongue along the inside of my cheek, trying to distract myself from the anger that's building up inside of me.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I didn't really have a choice, honey." He shrugs.

"We all have a choice." I say simply, keeping my tone and my face neutral. It's probably best not to piss him off, considering I'm the one in a cage.

"Touche. But your boyfriend made my choices a bit limited, so here we are." He gestures to the cage before standing up straight and turning around.

"Is he alive?" I ask, making him turn back to me.

"You know, I just don't remember. It's all kind of a blur. I could've left him alive- or maybe I shot him. Who knows?"

I feel myself getting angrier by the second, but the only thing that comes out of my mouth is laughter.

Not this again..

I begin laughing hysterically, leaning over and holding my stomach as it roars out of me. The look on Jacob's face is only making this funnier to me, and I can't control the yelps coming out of my mouth.

"What the fuck is so funny?" Jacob asks, obviously not amused by my outburst.

"You- you think-" I cut myself off again by another belt of laughter along with tears coming out of my eyes. I take a few deep breaths and shut my eyes for a moment to compose myself before looking back at Jacob with a grin.

"You're so fucked." I giggle.

"And how's that?" He asks when he crouches down again.

I scoot forward so I'm only a few inches away from him, and look him up and down with a disgusted face before speaking again, "You really think Harry won't come for me? You think that he won't blow your brains out all over this room without even flinching? You're dumber than I thought, man."

I can see the anger behind his eyes as his nostrils flare, and I guess my plan of not pissing him off failed.


"What makes you think he's still alive?"

"The fact that you look like you're about to shit yourself right now. And if you did kill him, why would I be here? I'm just a bargaining chip, aren't I? So you can get something that you want? Bad fucking plan. Because now, not only should you be afraid of Harry, but of me too. I'm a lot more than a pretty face, Jacob. And I won't hesitate to be the one that paints the walls with you." I spit out before slowly moving backwards in the cage to lean against the side of it.

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