Chapter 31

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What the hell?


I feel my eyes open and begin to blink to help my eyes adjust to the room around me.

I look to the window and see that it's still dark outside so it has to be before five.

I sit up and rub my eyes to further help them adjust. I look over to see Harry dead asleep next to me, looking as cute and peaceful as ever. I smile when he begins to snore softly, but I'm distracted by another bang coming from downstairs.

I pull the covers off of me and throw my legs over the side of the bed. I turn around and lean down to press a kiss to Harry's forehead. A small sleepy groan escapes him and he buries his face into the pillow next to him, which makes me chuckle.

I pull on a pair of joggers before heading downstairs along with a hoodie. This house tends to get a bit chilly with how old it is.

It also tends to make lots of noises, but not one like the one coming from downstairs.

It's probably a raccoon or something, but I need to check to make sure. I could leave it for Harry to check on in the morning, but I'm also thirsty so I may as well.

I hope it's not a skunk.

They're cute and all, but I don't want to smell like a walking asshole for two weeks.

The only skunk I trust is the one from Bambi. The one that's all like "he can call me a flower if he wants to."

Awe, I love that movie.

My thoughts are interrupted by another sound coming from the kitchen, but it's more of a rustling this time.

I begin to get nervous as I make my way down the stairs cautiously.

Please be a raccoon, please be a raccoon.

I tiptoe into the kitchen, expecting to see someone or something there, but I'm met with an empty room. I'm kind of relieved, but I'm still wondering what has been making the noises.

I decide to ignore it and have Harry deal with it in the morning. It's probably best, just in case it is something bad.

I don't have anything to defend myself, and I probably wouldn't be able to if I did.

I feel kind of silly now, getting so worried about something that was probably just the house settling.

I grab a glass from the cabinet and fill it up with water from the tap before drinking the whole thing and filling it again.

Harry really wore me out, so I'm not surprised that I'm practically draining the lake.

He seemed a bit off tonight, but he obviously didn't want to talk about it. I feel kind of guilty for not stopping it, but I think he was trying to channel his frustrations. I figure that we can talk about it when he's ready.

I just can't get the idea of something being really wrong out of my head. He doesn't normally drink, and when he does he doesn't get that plastered. He had to have been trying to shut something out, or get the courage to do something.

I'm assuming it's the first one, considering that Harry has always been confident with his sexuality and what he wants.

That's another thing I admire about Harry, and that I wish I had more confidence in. That's something that I have time to work on with him though, and something I'm actually looking forward to.

As soon as I finish my second glass of water, I feel my tummy begin to rumble.

I open the fridge and scan it for anything I can snack on before I go back to bed.

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