Chapter 28

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I don't know how to get myself out of the mess I spilled inside of my head. I can't stop thinking about Harry, and the parts of him that I don't see.

I think I'm going to keep most of this to myself for now, especially with how much stress he's under, but I can't help the thoughts from circling through my mind.

I want to help him as much as I can, because I do have feelings for him- and even if I didn't, I would still consider him a friend. I don't know where I stand on going further with this though, whatever this is.

We're on our way to Harry's office to do some more investigating on what has been happening. I didn't have much of a choice in coming along, but I would've anyway because I don't want more people dying.

Even though Harry's company is entirely about killing people, I have a bad feeling that whoever is trying to take over doesn't have good intentions. Although I don't agree with what Harry does, and it has me second guessing everything, he isn't cruel at heart.

When we reach the office, I don't say much to Harry. I know he needs to work, and I don't want to be a distraction. I know he cares about me and wants to protect me, so he'll be slightly distracted regardless, but I want him as focused as possible.

Jake along with a few other people are here with us, all of which are going through every possible thing that they can. I did offer to help, but Harry shut that down, saying that I've helped him enough and he wants me to rest. I don't know how restful watching people filled with anxiety pace back and forth is, but whatever.

"What security measures have we taken?" Harry asks a girl who I've learned is Raven.

"We've doubled our guards, especially on the night shift, added a mandatory search to everyone who comes in the building, and kept a 24 hour watch on our cameras." She says with confidence laced thoroughly through her voice.

I wish I was that confident, it looks good on her.

"Good. I also want all of you working in pairs or groups- no one stays alone. Watch each other, and if you see anything out of the ordinary, I am to be notified immediately."

"Or me." Jake butts in and Harry scoffs.

"Absolutely not him." Harry says to everyone in the room, and they all stay silent while looking back and forth between Harry and Jake.

"Sir, I-"

"No. I don't care how long you've been here or how," Harry lifts his fingers to add air quotes, "trustworthy you are. No one is getting special treatment or excluded from any of the new security measures. This is how we got here in the first place."

He's right. Trusting the wrong people can get you killed, and that's exactly what's happening.

"All of you come with me- Jake stay here with Jude. Make sure she's okay." Harry orders and starts toward the door.

"I thought I wasn't trustworthy." Jake barks back. Harry whips around at his comment and slowly walks up to him, getting just inches from his face.

"If something happens to her, I'll know. If you so much as look at her wrong, I'll peel every inch of skin from your body until you're begging me to kill you. And when you're desperate for that relief, I won't give it to you. I'll keep going, and going, and-"

"Harry-" I cut him off, "you made your point."

He steps back and looks at me for a moment before closing the distance between us and pressing his lips to mine, starting a long and slow kiss. His tongue barely teases my lower lip, and as I dart mine out to meet it, he's pulling away and leaving the room.

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