"Oops." Frank said sarcastically, chewing his lip. "Maybe I just needed a reason to come back."

"Nonsense." He kissed him lightly on the nose, making a faint blush creep up Frank's neck. "You're always welcome here."

Although Frank was glad to see he was in a better mood, he couldn't help but worry -for Mikey and for Gerard. From what he'd been told about this Ray character, who always seemed to be at work, Gerard wasn't really going to have anyone in New York to keep him company when he wasn't visiting Mikey. He was going to have no one to keep him tethered to sanity.

Alright, perhaps that was a bit over dramatic, however Frank was creating every existing excuse possible to tag along.

Grabbing his bag from his bedroom, Gerard had left Frank standing in the hallway, alone with his own thoughts and that was hardly ever a good idea because he always made rash decisions.

Such as this one: "What if I came too?"

Poking his head around the door, Gerard raised his eyebrows so high they got lost in his hair. He laughed nervously, "Excuse me, what?"

"I-" Frank swallowed the lump in his throat, casting away every sensible voice in his mind. "I want to come to New York. . . Is that okay?"

Gerard dropped the bag, walking over. "You can't be serious."

"Uhm," Frank bit his lip, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I am."

"I can't-" Gerard rubbed his eyes, letting out a long breath. "You can't ditch your life. I won't let you."

"I'm not ditching my life." He retorted defensively. "I've finished school, and when I talk about this with my parents, I can start searching for a college in New York-"


"I can-!"

Shaking his head, Gerard gripped his shoulders, trying to get him to concentrate and actually think. "Do you understand what you're saying? The sheer madness of it?"

"Why is it mad?" Frank frowned. Then it dawned on him. He prayed Gerard wasn't saying no because he didn't want him there. Oh God, what if he didn't?

"Because," he sighed, struggling for coherent words. "You live here. You have friends here. Your life is here, and coming to New York is a bit rash, don't you think?"

Despite having only conjured up this brilliant idea mere seconds ago, he stated firmly, "No."

"Why not? Frankie-"

Putting a hand over Gerard's mouth, Frank continued, "I no longer have any real ties here. My parents are never home, Brendon doesn't really bother with me anymore, and if you're not going to be here, then I'm left with nothing. If I come, it'll be like a fresh start. . . Most importantly, you'll be there."

Removing Frank's hand, Gerard's eyes widened slightly. "I'm not the only reason you're going, am I?"

Frank glanced away, eyebrows knitted together. "Not entirely."

It fell silent for a while. Frank could feel Gerard's stare burning the side of his head, though he didn't dare look at him. There was a little tension building between them, neither didn't completely know why.

Eventually, Frank attempted to persuade him again. "I swear I'll get an education, or a job. I'm not gonna mess anything up."

Gerard's heart was pounding as well as Frank's. "Are you sure?"

Frank nodded, a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. "It's been my dream for a whole five minutes." He was starting to persuade him; he could see it. It wasn't such a bad idea. It wasn't like it was going to be the end of the world, right?

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