Episode 10 - Her Pegasus

Start from the beginning

After the ride, I got off from my seat with his help. I couldn't stand up straight so I held his shirt. All the colours of the fun fair, blended into one as my head started to spin.
Jk: "Y/n... you ok?"
He questioned tilting his head.
Y/n: "Where are the toilets?"
I panted struggling to breath.
Jk: "What?"
Y/n: "I think I'm gonna throw up."
I covered my mouth and stumbled towards the ladies toilet.
Jk: "y/n..."
He followed behind me.

Stood in front of the sink, I splashed my face with cold water after I came out of the cubicle.
Jk: "Y/n ahh...you want me to come in?"
He asked standing outside.
Y/n: "No... it's ok..."
I replied with no strength in my voice and splashed my face with water again.

Jungkook's PoV

"Aish! That was a bad idea. Should've listened to her..."
I waited outside with guilt.
After few minutes, she stumbled out tiredly.
Y/n: "Jungkook ah...I feel dizzy...my head won't stop spinning..."
She moaned holding her head with one hand.
Jk: "Baby... I'm sorry..."
I apologized and and took a step closer to her.
She crashed onto my chest and hugged me.
Y/n: "I can't stand up..."
She murmured burying her face on my chest. Her legs bent, not being able to balance.
Jk: "It's ok. It'll go away soon. Let's go and rest in the car."
I lifted her up in my arms and walked to the car.
I placed her on the passenger seat and tidied her messy hair off her face. Afraid of the dizziness, she kept her eyes closed and shuffled to make herself comfortable. Sat on my seat I watched her closely to make sure she was ok.
Slowly, she drifted to sleep and I smiled stroking her hair, watching her sleep. I adjusted the seat even lower to make sure it was comfortable for her and waited till she woke up.

Author's PoV

She slept so peacefully for hours, he didn't want to disturb her and just watched with admiration. 
Slowly her eyes opened. His face became more and more clearer in front of her eyes. She smiled at him and sat up stretching her arms.
The time flashing on his car dashboard made her jolt...
Y/n: "Haah! Is that the time?!"
She looked at him with worry, stopping her stretch half way.
Jk: "Yes, you slept for few hours."
He smiled at her and stroked her cheek.
She removed his hand and started to get restless.
Y/n: "I should've gone home two hours ago. Oh nooo! Why didn't you wake me up?"
She cried and covered her face.
Jk: "Why? You were fast asleep. So I..."
Y/n: "Please can we go. I'm late."
She pleaded nervously.
Jk: "Y/n ahhh... what's wrong?"
He queried starting the engine.
Y/n: "Oh! Jungkook! Please just go..."
She was almost close to tears.
Jk: "Ok, don't worry..."
He consoled pressing his foot on the gas.
Y/n: "Aunty goes to work today, and I should've been there to look after Hana...now I'm late...Ahhh..."
She murmured in anxiety and started to tear up in fear.
Jk: "Baby stop worrying, just say you were ill..."
Y/n: "Jungkook, I can't...I can't say that..."
She was on the verge of snapping at him but stopped. Quickly looking away to the other side, she wiped the tear drop before he saw it.
Seeing her panic, he shot through the streets to get her home.

The car stopped opposite the gate, she opened the door before it even came to a complete stop. Grabbing her bag and her coat, she quickly got out...
Y/n: "Bye..."
She uttered and departed without even looking at him.
He took a breath to speak, but she was near the door before he even opened his mouth.
He watched her carefully through the window as her hands unsteadily inserted the keys to open the door. It didn't feel right for him to leave her in that state. He felt uneasy to see her like that.

Y/n's PoV

I dashed in through the door and shut it behind me. Aunt Mija's shoes were still there, which meant she hasn't gone to work and the TV was on.
Y/n: "Oh god! Help me..."
I prayed and swallowed, walking into the lounge.
Keeping my eyes on the floor, I slowly walked in.
I saw Hana glaring at me with her feet up in the single seater sofa. I had no guts to look up at them but I could feel their burning glares scorching my skin.
The TV switched off, filling the room with a menacing silence.
Mija: "Where have you been?"
She spoke sternly.
I swallowed again to wet my dry throat so I could speak.
Y/n: "Aunty...I'm sorry... I..."
Mija: "I said where the hell have you been?"
She shouted this time.
I flinched by in fear hearing her high voice suddenly and took a step back.
Y/n: "I'm sorry I wasn't feeling well..."
Mija: "Don't you know you are supposed to be here by 4 o'clock?"
She shrieked.
Y/n: "I know I'm sorry..."
I trembled as I replied, gathering some courage to look up.
Mija: "Then why are you..?"
She paused her question as my phone ringing in my coat interrupted her.
I hurriedly searched my coat to find the pockets, So I can mute it.
I quickly took it out and pressed the decline button that appeared underneath Jungkook's selfie.
Hana: "Oh what the hell?! Is that a new phone?"
She exclaimed and got off from the sofa.
Hana: "Mum! This is a brand new iPhone!"
She snatched it from my hand.
Hana: "Gold casing?! A real gold casing?!"
She gaped her eyes with her mouth wide open.
Mija: "Where did you get that phone?"
She immediately questioned, getting up from the sofa.
Y/n: "It was a gift..."
Mija: "Oh really? You've learnt to lie very well haven't you? A gift!"
She scoffed derisively. 
Mija: "Tell me the truth! How did you get such an expensive phone? Did you steal it?"
She questioned irrationally.
Y/n: "No!"
I answered firmly looking at her.
Mija: "No? Then how did you get it? Explain to me, did you steal money from here to buy it? You are living off of us, now you are stealing from us?"
She furrowed her eyebrows.
Y/n: "Please stop! I'm not. I wouldn't ever do that."
I cried as I answered.

Jungkook's PoV

I locked my phone after the "Declined" alert flashed red on my screen.
I looked at the front door again. The house was silent, I could hear nothing, yet I felt perturbed by that silence. The things Lisa told me came to my mind, adding to the worry. Maybe she was worried about her aunty telling her off.
My y/n was afraid when she left, struggled to open the door and was hesitant to walk into that house.
It didn't feel right...and that's not I how I want see her.
Gripping the steering wheel firmly and pushing on the gas, I looked at the door again before turning around to drive away.

Y/n's PoV

Mija: "Then how huh?"
She gripped my arm and shook me demanding an answer.
But was disrupted by the knocks on the front door.
Hana: "I'll check."
She ran to the door with my phone in her hand.
Mija: "Answer me you leech!"
She snarled gripping my arm tighter.
Y/n: "I didn't steal anything please believe me..."
I prayed looking at her.
Mija: "Then how did you do get all that money? Are you sleeping with strange men for money?"
Her venomous questions stung my heart.
Y/n: "Please stop..."
I weeped trying to release myself from her hold, so I could just run away from all of it and don't have to listen to her malicious words.
Mija: "Speak up you filth! Is that what you are doing? Is that why you are late today? Who were you with?"
She continued...

Author's PoV

Even after seeing her tears and hearing her helpless pleas, the woman had no mercy. Wounded by the spiteful words and unable to release her self from her hold, she quivered in anguish.

Mija: "Speak up! What were you doing? Who were you with?"
She muttered again grinding her teeth.
Jk: "She was with me."
Jungkook announced imperatively, as he stood majestically in the doorway to the hall.

He stood resting his hands on both sides of the door frame.
Jk: "She was with me and from now on, she'll be with me."
Glaring at Mija He spoke domineeringly.
He turned his glare to Hana and opened his hand. Her shaking hands placed the phone on his palm naturally.
Y/n: "Jungkook!"
She exclaimed silencing her whimper.
Puzzled by his presence, Mija released her from her hold.
Mija: "Who the hell are you?"
She questioned in anger.
He smirked tilting his head and slid his hands into his pockets before taking slow steps. Awestruck by his supreme aura and striking masculinity, Hana slowly walked behind him.
Wiping her tears and adjusting her hair and top, y/n watched him walking closer to her.
She looked at her aunt and looked down as her angry stare fell back on her.
Mija: "Yaah! How dare you come into my house? Get out!"
She yelled at him in rage.
He was unbothered by it all but his eyes were only fixed on one thing...his y/n.

Coming closer to her, he wrapped one of his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to his chest.
After a gaze into her red teary eyes he kissed her forehead...
Jk: "You are such a cry baby..."
He teased her and softly kissed on her lips holding her chin with his thumb and forefinger.
Mija and Hana gasped in shock and stood dumbfounded for a while.
He wrapped both of his arms around her and lifted her onto her toes. Gliding against her lips, he kissed lovingly to heal all the torment she'd suffered.

Mija: "Yah! Y/n! What is this?!"
She yelled again and raised her arm towards y/n. But, he gripped her wrist, stopping her from disturbing them and continued to kiss her. Gently detaching from her lips, he pushed Mija away.
Jk: "The only reason I haven't punched you yet is because You are a woman. Anymore noise, and I will forget it and you'll be collecting your teeth from the floor."
He warned her clenching his jaws as she looked at him, gaping her eyes.
His gaze became tender as he turned to face y/n...
Jk: "Shall we go home baby?"
He turned and questioned holding her against his chest.
She shook her head nervously looking at her aunty.
Jk: "y/n ahh, you are coming with me."
Y/n: "No, it's ok, I'll ...I'll find a place soon."
She softly mumbled in her shaky voice.
Jk: "Baby listen, I'm not leaving you with these witches."
Y/n: "I'll be ok...I'm..."
She tried to lie to convince him but he kissed her lips and lifted her legs to wrap around his waist. Tied in the kiss, she complied with him and wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her away.
Mija and Hana watched like the ugly sisters when the Prince took his Cinderella away. 

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