Episode 10 - Her Pegasus

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Y/n's PoV

I was packing my things into my bag and I could see Jungkook was already stood outside waiting for me.
I smiled at him through the window, and zipped up my bag. But my phone pinged with a message...
I quickly took it out of my coat pocket.
Lisa: "Hey!!! Is that a new phone?"
She exclaimed looking at it.
Y/n: "Oh... uhm... yeh."
Lisa: "When did you buy it?"
Y/n: "Jungkook gave it to me yesterday..."
Lisa: "Oh wow! Oh my god! It's the new Iphone..."
She took from me with her eyes widened.
Lisa: "woaaah...I think this is gold casing y/n!"
Y/n: "Is it? I dunno..."
I shrugged cluelessly.
Lisa: "Girl he's treating you well..."
She winked at me and handed it back to me.
I smiled and opened the text message. It was a message from him...
"Yaah Cutie! Hurry up."
I softly giggled and locked it and looked at him again.
Leant against the wall, he stood smiling and flicked his eyebrows.
It felt almost like a dream...
yesterday no one was there for me now all of a sudden he was in every moment of my life.

Lisa: "Let's go..."
She picked up her bag and walked ahead of me. I followed behind her.
coming out of the door, i stood still smiling as he walked towards me.
Lisa: "Oh! Hi Jungkook Sunbae!"
She greeted after seeing him.
Jk: "Hi!"
He replied while looking at me and taking my hands.
Jk: "You ready?"
Y/n: "I have another lecture..."
I hesitated.
He turned his back, pulling my hands and guiding me to wrap around his neck. I giggled as he lifted me up by my thighs onto his back.
Jk: "Are you ready now?"
He asked again.
I giggled again close to his nape as Lisa watched us both in awe. There's no way he was gonna take no for an answer.
Y/n: "Lisa, please sign my name on the register for the next lecture."
I requested happily as he carried me away.
Lisa: "Yah! Where are you going?"
She shouted.
Y/n: "I'm bunking..."
Coiled around him, I squealed in happiness and laughed.

Author's PoV

Subdued by her love, the Stallion have surrendered himself to her completely. He craved her presence every single minute of his life. Carrying her on his back, He made her feel like flying through the clouds. The Pegasus she longed to have in her life was now at her service...
Taking her through all the magical adventures she wished for.
Y/n: "Pegasus..."
She whispered close to his neck as she smiled.
Jk: "What did you say?"
He asked, hearing her faint whisper.
Y/n: "Nothing..."
She giggled as they neared the car.

Jungkook's PoV

Y/n: "No! I'm not coming."
She refused coiling her arm around the wooden pole while I pulled on her other arm.
Jk: "Baby come on. It'll be fun."
I tried to convince her.
Y/n: "No way. I get motion sickness. Pleasssseee...I don't want to..."
She begged, not letting go of the pole.
Jk: "We'll just be going in a straight line. it won't spin..."
Y/n: "Nooo. I hate any kind of rides. Please, I don't want to..."
Jk: "Aishhh...y/n ahhh..."
I pulled her arm firmer.
Y/n: "Jungkook, please, last time I went on a ride during my school trip, I was sick the whole day...I don't want to.."
She was stubborn and I decided to use a different tactic.
Y/n: Ah! Hey! Stop..."
I started to tickle her.
She let go of the pole And started to giggle and I used that chance to lift her up.
Y/n: "Jungkook! Nooo! Put me down..."
She whined gently slapping my chest, as I walked towards the roller coaster ride entrance.

Y/n's PoV

Y/n: "Arggghhhhh..."
After a long scream as we dropped right down on the track, I slowly opened my eyes.
He was laughing while I coiled both of my arms around his left arm.
A second later, it slowly started to move up and I tightened my grip around his arm.
Jk: "See I told you...It's just goes straight."
Y/n: "Errr...and up and down as well."
I pointed out as it started to rise up. As we came up to the top, the speed started to build and the spiral track became visible to my eyes.
Y/n: "Oh No!!! It's spiral....It's spiral!!!"
I yelled at him.
Jk: "So whaaat? Just hold on to me...."
He shouted back at me as we pierced through the wind.
Y/n: "That means..it's gonna spiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn!"
I screamed shutting my eyes tightly as we swished through it at top speed.

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