Episode 1 - An Unexpected Accident

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Author's PoV

Standing by the metal gate, Y/n waved to her father sadly.
He waved back at her, looking through passenger seat window of the yellow taxi. After a brief moment, his head disappeared and she drooped her baby lips not being able to see him anymore.
She looked up at her aunt who was holding her two year old daughter and staring spitefully at her husband, y/n's father's older brother, Min.
She scoffed looking at him and looked down at y/n with hate at the little girl, who tood looking up at her with her pink bag filled with just a few of her belongings and a sweet innocent smile.

Aunt: "Uhhh! This man must be crazy to agree to this!"
She muttered and briskly walked inside without any regard for y/n.

Y/n lost her smile and stared at her uncle as he turned.
He smiled at her...
Y/n: "Uncle...when will daddy come back?"
She mumbled with teary eyes.
Uncle: "He's going far away to work now, but he'll come back soon. Don't worry. You come in..."
He patted her cheek, taking the bag from her hand and walked in. She looked at the empty street and sighed.
She turned and looked at the main door of the house where she'd begin her new life, but there was no one to welcome her. Although she was only five years old, her little heart could sense that she wasn't really welcome there.
She looked back at the empty street once more before slowly walking in as she had no other choice.

13 years later...

Y/n: "Hmmm...where are you?"
She spoke softly staring at the clear night sky filled with stars while standing at back door of the kitchen.
She pointed to the sky and counted quietly...
Y/n: "1, 2, 3...10...11..ohh! That's it! That's you!"
She laughed gleefully.
Y/n: "Pegasus!"
She exclaimed happily after spotting the constellation she was always intrigued about.

"y/n!!! How long are you gonna take to finish off that washing up?"
Her aunt screamed from the living room.
Y/n: "Ooops!" She covered her mouth.
Y/n: "Uhm.. sorry aunty. I'm...I'm nearly done..."
She replied to her nervously and quickly tiptoed back to the kitchen sink, which was filled with dinner plated and cutleries. There was a small floret of broccoli left on one of the plates. After placing it on the corner of the windowsill, she started to scrub them.

Y/n's PoV

Y/n: "Aaaaaaaahh..."
I stretched my arms out to relieve some of the pain off my aching shoulder muscles after changing into my pyjamas.
I tucked the chair under my desk and tidied my books. Gathering the curtain to one side, I looked through the small window to get one last look at that magical sky.
I smiled looking at it. Pegasus, a constellation I learnt about when I did my greek mythology project in highschool. I was always intrigued by it and wished that it was real. It was the only constellation I could spot in the sky, I never really cared about the others.
I sighed...
Y/n: "Hmmm...Why aren't you real?!
Why can't you come down and take me on a magical adventure?...
why can't I roam this world sat on your back?"
I laughed at my own illogical questions as I admired it's beauty, leaning against the window.

Author's PoV

Next day Morning...

Mr Jeon watched his one and only son with a proud smile as he energetically ran down the staircase.
Jk: "Dad!"
He ran to him and hugged him.
Mr Jeon: "Jungkook! Happy birthday my son."
He greeted hugging him tightly with a smile.
Jk: "I thought you wouldn't make it."
Mr Jeon: "Ah! How can I miss your birthday...Oooh! You are getting very strong nowadays..."
Jungkook laughed and loosened his hold.
Jk: "I work out a lot nowadays, and Boxing."
He pulled away showing off his biceps and veiny arms.
Mr Jeon chuckled proudly and took out a set of keys from his pocket and held it in front of Jungkook's eyes.
His eyes widened.
Jk: "No way! No?!"
He immediately took the keys in his hand and looked at its logo with awe.
He watched his son's awestruck face with joy.
Mr Jeon: "Bugatti La Voiture Noire, only one was made this year. It's all yours my son."
He declared proudly to him with content.
Jk: "Thanks dad!"
Mr Jeon: "Only the best for my only son. Happy Birthday my boy!"
Junkook pulled him into a firm hug again.
He laughed at his father's weak grunt due to his tight hold and released him.
He threw the keys in the air and caught it and ran to the main door.
Mr Jeon: "Jungkook be careful..."
He shouted at him.
Jk: "Dad I'm 22, I can take care of myself..."
He shouted back unlocking the car.
Within seconds, the engine revved and and the wheels of the new car whirred echoing through the mansion.
Mr Jeon walked out of the main door to see him, but Jungkook was already shooting off into the main street in his Black Bugatti.
He smiled and looked at his PA Mr Gong, who also stood smiling.

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